Chapter 15

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Figuring out how to make Serena visible again turned out to be much more challenging than Rina expected. Even after trying really hard Serena couldn't recall any happy memories, no happy memories at all. It made Rina feel sorry for the girl because it was so horrible for one human being not to have one good memory to hold on to in the hour of need. She felt wrong for complaining about her life. Maybe she didn't have the love and affection of her family and friends, but she used to have some of it. Also, she knew that great-grandma loved her still even though she was far away. Nevertheless, she often allowed herself to wallow in misery because she couldn't feel that warm embrace of love but for Serena, it was even worse. It was terrible to even imagine an innocent child growing up without the gentleness and love that every child deserved. Rina understood that maybe the biological parents couldn't keep Serena for one reason or other but it wasn't clear to her why none of the foster families accepted Serena as their own child. It probably had something to do with the fact that some people always say things like blood is thicker than water and how the true connection and love are in the blood but Rina knew that was not true. Love had nothing to do with being biologically connected, it had to do with that special connection that is made between people, an instinct to protect and love a helpless young.

In her life, Rina heard many people saying that it was not the same, but she was unable to perceive any crucial difference between a biological and an adopted child. In her opinion, they both deserved an equal amount of love and the same opportunities. What really made her angry and what Serena's story reminded her of was some unfounded accusations she often heard. People would often say that adopted children were much more problematic and disrespectful but by observing people in her surroundings she actually noticed that the opposite was true. The biological children were mostly unaware of how lucky they were for having the unconditional love of their parents since they never knew how it was to be without it. But foster children were well aware that having a family that loved them and supported them was a privilege and once they got it they respected it more than anything else in the world. Rina saw that in her cousins. One of them was the biological child, and he was the most disrespectful child from all the ones Rina knew. As for her adopted cousin, he was always so kind and respectful and even trying to help his new brother even when he was terrible. It was something that Rina always remembered because it was such a contrast, but she thought she could partly understand it. She was always privileged with a family. Maybe not always a loving and supporting one but still, it was a family. So sometimes she took for granted all the things she did have, forgetting that some people had nothing. It was a good wake up call, to remember to appreciate what you have, and try to help the ones that need some love and support.

Snapping out of the thoughts that kept running away from her Rina got an idea of what might help Serena. "How about imagining your favorite place? Maybe that would help. Try to imagine the place that makes you feel happy, and try to do it in as much detail as possible. What is your favorite place? Maybe I can help you make a picture of it in your head and then poof when you feel the happiness filling your heart you will turn visible again. I don't know maybe not only happiness but being seen... " She hesitated. "I actually think I know what you mean and I have a perfect combination in mind. I love the beach so maybe I can imagine myself playing beach volleyball. That way I can focus on my favorite place and then I can imagine people seeing me. I am the best player there, and they can't help but admire my skill." She said. Rina could see that she was already starting to set the scene and imagine all the necessary details and with a few of her suggestions they managed to paint the perfect picture for her. As they continued adding details, Rina could see that Serena was becoming visible. It was surreal, to watch it happen to someone else because she couldn't help but think that it looked kind of cool. One moment there was empty air, the next there was a girl standing in front of Rina. "There is something so familiar about her." Rina thought for a split-second but soon she forgot all about it.

"Hey, I can see you!" she exclaimed. Serena stared at her visible hands and seemed in awe. Suddenly she pulled Rina in an expected hug and although she was a bit taken back by the reaction, Rina returned the hug. She couldn't help but feel like they were family like it was a normal reaction, like true sisters. When she broke the hug Serena said: "Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much this means to me! Even though my life wasn't great, I still had a life. For the past year, it felt as if I wasn't even alive. I am not sure what I am supposed to do now but at least I know that there is a way to control this." "You are welcome. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask. Also, I think we should try to figure out this invisibility thing together." Yeah, you are probably right but first I need to feel human again." Serena said. "Yes, of course, I am sorry. If you need any money or anything like that it's no problem. My family is insensitive but loaded and if there is one thing they won't miss is money. They wouldn't even notice it was gone. I don't usually take it, for principals but hey this is an emergency." Rina replied. "That would be great thanks." They both knew it was strange and unconventional but neither of them minded. Rina didn't want money and Serena needed the money so it turned out perfect.  

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