Getting My House In Order (NehpetsEnal)

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Getting My House in Order

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Getting My House in Order

"Missy renmen mwen (my love), do you think you could get the family together, there are things that we have an urgent need to discuss."

"Cheri mwen (my darling) are you sure that you're up to this?

It's obvious that you are still finding it a struggle even to speak and if I'm, to be honest with you, I'd have to say that you're not at your best, right now."

"Of course, I'm not and as always, you're right, that's why I want you all to be present, so I don't make any rash decisions."

"Cheri, surely there's nothing so important that it can't wait until you are well and strong."

"And that's exactly why I don't want to wait."

"Pardon, Barton, I don't understand?"

"Look honey I feel more vulnerable now, than ever before in my life.

The betrayal and loss of Talulah, have hit me hard, so right now is the best time.

It's at a time like this when I'm most likely to listen to reason and truly consider releasing some of my responsibilities to the family.

Sweetheart, you know me better than anyone, do you think I would do so if I was well and strong?"

"No, I guess not."

"Does that mean you understand and will set this up for me?"

"Yes, but it doesn't mean I agree, you may well live to regret it, a decision made in haste is rarely a good one."

"Of course, there's a chance you may be right, but most importantly I will be alive to regret them.

We also have things to celebrate, for the first time in all our days, when in a crisis we were surrounded, by all those we love."

"OK, OK, I said I'd do it, when would you like this to happen?"

"As soon as possible, but only when everyone is available, that's imperative."

"Ha-ha, is there anything else you would like, my lord and master?"

"Yes, there is, could you invite the newly appointed Sister Mary Grace, of the Order of the Angels of Llorones, the Doc and the Mayor for diner.

And make it as soon as possible, we'll eat around my bed if we have to."

"My God, what's this meeting for?"

"I want to once and for all resolve the donations I've promised them, which are sitting in the bank awaiting distribution."

"Now that's an excellent idea, I'll get on it straight away, that will be just the six of us."

"Yes, Cheri."

The invitations were soon written and Jhonny was off in a flash to ensure they were hand-delivered in double-quick time.

The invitations were graciously accepted by all, by Sister Mary Grace, the Bishop and the Doc with no issue.

However, with the Mayor there was just one tiny hitch, he would have preferred to wait until his good wife returned. Fortunately, Jhonny had been primed with an answer, assuring him that a personal invitation would be extended to him and his good wife as soon Denver was able to entertain them appropriately.

At the dinner, it was agreed that subject to Myna Order's agreement, that she would help Sister Mary Grace manage funds as made available.

Sister Mary Grace, fell to her knees and prayed to God and saw this as an affirmation by him of her vows, a more dedicated servant he would never have.

The Doc was aghast, he'd struggled for the best part of his life making the practice work as best he could within this nickel and dime economy, he now felt for the first time that he to could fill his vow and save and protect life.

As for trustees Denver had already appointed his Law Firm to manage the funds and remove them to a safer bank. To ensure its longevity the funds would be supplemented annually with five percent of the Liberty Belle's net profit, which would also be invested in secure portfolios.

A Financial Specialist would be appointed by the trustees to manage the fund, who in turn would appoint an independent Accountant to keep a watchful eye on the operation of the fund and to annually review and report on the accounts, to ensure they were in good order and meeting the needs of the new Orphanage and Free Peoples Clinic.

Furthermore, neither was to be given a fancy donorship name, they were for the people in residence and those found suffering within BG's boundary, Ad infinitum.

There was one overriding caveat, it was never to be run privately or for a profit that wasn't reinvested in the fund, it was to be run by the people for the people, training and educating its staff, preferably from the community, but not to the detriment of the quality of care provided.

It was also noted, that in time it was foreseen that the Orphanage would expand its scope to help those who due to misfortune, especially families, who would be the priority and that clinic would eventually grow into a thriving public hospital.

The ultimate hoped was that this security would help build a strong and loyal prosperous community and that in time the model becomes recognized as a people's right, within and beyond BG's boundaries.

Denver concluded the meeting with these closing words.

"Who knows, one day we may grow into a society that thinks.

'We first, not I'."

What do you think Bishop, is that a world worth praying for?"

A rhetorical question.

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