Talking Yourself Into Trouble (NehpetsEnal)

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Day 7

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Day 7

Talking Yourself into Trouble

The rotting band sat around the table were no other than Enzo, Tex Mex & Sol Senior.

All at once they burst into laughter, splattering whiskey and rotting guts across the table.

When they'd cleared their throats, Sol was the first to speak.

But not before Denver nearly choked on his own vomit, he'd witness some horrendous sights but nothing quite like this.

"You've made the mistake, of talking too loudly in this ethereal world and I see you've been eying up the guns.

Well, let me address your curiosity.

There's still one shot left in the BG for you, a rather ironic acronym, don't you think?

Oh boy, and by the way the pistol, that's for the Sherriff!"

"But that's not possible, you're just a figment of my imagination."

"Yes, it is!"


"Because BG is full of people who tamper with otherworldly things, like your wife Missy, Shadow and Rue, to name just a few, there are no secrets in here."

"So, how's that gonna help you?"

"We'll convince them they're doing the right thing."

"They'd have to be pretty weak to bend to your will."

"Talk about not seeing the wood for the trees, it's working on you ain't it, and there's more than one way to skin a cat!

Them their guns ain't really here they're in the hands of some do-gooders, I won't say who in case the Sherriff's listening.

Influence their subconscious, weave the right story and sure enough, they'll happily pull the trigger.

And what's more the dumb sons of bitches won't even know they did it, any more than that clueless, murdering beast of a Sherriff, who's always convinced he's doing the right thing.

I'm dead by his gun, just because I stole some dirty money, which was previously stolen by some rich guy who'd robbed poor, hardworking cowboys of their earnings.

Get the picture?"

"Wow, Sol, now you're pretending to be Robin Hood, how unlikely is that, I wouldn't have put you down as a reading man."

"Why's, that?

Do you think you're the only man hiding secrets about his upbringing?

Strutting around and talking like some upmarket Texan.

I know you come from one of the high society families, that made their wealth on the backs of slavery and there's you married to the blackest woman I've ever seen.

And to top it all off you ain't even an American, you were born in some mansion with a poncey name in England, with a silver spoon in your mouth."

Denver's lost for words.

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