Psycho (NehpetsEnal)

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The moment he awoke Denver began talking, in what seemed like riddles to his family, saying... 

"I think the subconscious clues, were the breadcrumbs that were trying to lead my conscious mind to the perpetrator. It's becoming clear that the villain or someone who was the victim of a sinister outside influence, maybe suffering from periods of psychosis and when considering the history of the BG family, that could be almost anyone."

With all that was going on, only Annie was paying much attention to the crew who frequented the upper deck. Even though she'd heard repeated mentions of his name, she'd not seen hide nor hair of Jhonny and kept a personal note, in the little book she'd hidden in her knickers. It was as safe as houses there, in the current situation, there was little chance of them coming off anytime soon. 

He quite clearly couldn't distinguish one state of mind from the other and was convinced that he heard Little Ron say, "He'd become accustomed to Johnny's rather odd behavior and accepted it as the norm and that's why it took him a while to realize that he may have been some sort of witness to the shooting of Mr. Denver. And how he'd recalled Jhonny stopping midway through their little pranks to hold a private conversation with his invisible friend, after which he might stay or just wander off without a word. Just like the day of the shooting, when they were catching rats at the back of the stables, when Johnny wandered off in the general direction of the church, leaving him to deal with the dead rat." 

And how he yelled out loud at him. "Dang it! He was supposed to give me the grand tour of the boat, he had been boasting of it for weeks. I am supposed to catch these creatures. He's supposed to get rid of 'em. What did he expect me to do, eat the rat?" 

But this was his friend he was at a loss about what to do, he knew he couldn't tell the Sherriff or his deputy, he didn't have any proof for or against Jhonny. He didn't want to see Jhonny shot, that was assuming they'd believe him. There was one person he knew for sure who would listen and give good advice, so he set off in search of her advice. 

Missy, held Denver close and reassured him that there was no way that Jhonny could have been involved as she'd set him the task of cleaning his boots at the time of the shooting. 

"And there they are still glistening at the foot of the bed

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"And there they are still glistening at the foot of the bed. Now just take it easy and let the Sherriff and Deputies do their work, the last thing they need is to be chasing your subconscious." 

She kissed him gently on his lips to prevent him from talking anymore.

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