High Stakes (NehpetsEnal)

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Day 6

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Day 6

High Stakes

The signs were encouraging for his recovery, but just as quickly, as he awoke shouting, he lapsed back into a coma without a murmur, for Denver, the disturbing encounters had never ceased.

The Sheriff wasn't at his bedside, but his plea was loud and clear, leaving an indelible message in the memory of everyone and anyone within earshot, who cared to listen.

That mouthful of dramatic words was going to lead to much speculation and discussion.

From Denver's perspective, nothing's changed, he's still incarcerated in BG's jail, looking through the depressing bars of an empty cell.

He looked across the room to where three masked men sat around a table laughing, drinking and playing what seems like a version of high stakes Fish.

He found it mighty strange that there was both a Colt 45 and a Buffalo Gun, at the top of the hefty Pot.

He looked the motley trio up and down, they weren't much more than a bunch of badly dressed skeletons.

The alcohol they consumed, seeped through their bones and their mudded clothes, before spilling onto the slippery surface of the slimy boot marked floor.

They must have been able to sense his eyes were upon them, for out of the blue the jail was filled with an eerie silence.

He became aware that they carried the foul stench of death, something awful he remembered from the battlefields of war that scarred his young life.

He realized the three men were recently dead and was sensing a vague recollection of some involvement in their deaths, but no a direct hand in it, did he recall.

Sat in the corner shivering. sat little Ron, who was chewing on a rat, what kind of insane message was this?

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