Rage and Hatred (MysteriousDryad & Ruechari)

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Rage and Hatred

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Rage and Hatred

Lady and I kept riding deep into the desert until we came across a clearing that overlooked the horizon.

I got off her back and let her rest while all my memories from my ex-husband resurfaced making me relive them. Tears started streaming down my face at the hurt he caused me while the memories played and flooded my memory.

One certain memory played and the hurt I felt diminished and in its place was anger and hatred towards him. I was just grateful that I was far away from him so I wouldn't harm him. Out of rage, I started punching the juniper tree nearest me as the memory of him bringing Kayla home kept replaying in mind. I ignored the searing pain and the pool of blood that was forming on the sand and continued my assault on the tree.

Lady sensed my distress and tried to stop me but her words couldn't get through to me. It was like something was pushing her out and cutting off her communication with Bella. Out of worry for Bella, she called to Black Knight to get Brody. Bella had once told Lady that she had a small crush on him and that she trusted him so Lady hoped and prayed that he'll be able to get through to her before she does horrible damage to herself.

Black Knight received Lady's message and could feel her worry through their bond, so he went in search for Brody to which he found him at the jail.

Brody thought it strange that Black Knight showed up outside the jail. Bella had told him that if he wished to reach her Black Knight would know the way.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Bella was somehow in trouble the nervousness; agitated state of the horse must be rubbing off on him. The way the horse was looking at him he'd almost swear it was trying to tell him something.

Brody knew the sheriff wanted him to question Bella about what brought her to BG with the latest news of Denver being suddenly shot. Could she behind the attack on Denver? Brody didn't want it to be so.

The moment he mounted the horse it took off in a gallop as if there was not a moment to spare. Brody came upon a horrible scene.

"You deserve to die you son of a ..." Bella's fists hit the rough bark of the juniper tree.

Brody jumped off of Black Knight. "Bella? Bella, stop!"

She was in such rage she had completely tuned him out. Her leather gloves had to become shredded and tears coursed down her cheeks. "Bella, please!" He could see the blood seeping through.

"I hate him. I hate him. I hate him." She chanted, each time striking the tree.

Brody prayed this wasn't his worst fear coming into a realization. He grabbed hold of her and spun her around. "Bella! STOP!" He crushed her to him.

Brody's arms around her stopped her rant and broke the spell. Bella wept in his embrace. "He deserves to die, I hate him so much!" she muffled into his vest.

"Tell me you didn't hurt him, Bella? Tell me you didn't take the shot that may have killed Denver?"

Wide eyes looked up at him. "Who's Denver?"

"The man shot on the Liberty Belle?"

"The Liberty Belle?"

Brody frowned. "Why did you come here, Bella? Why did you come to BG?" Brody asked, gently pulling off her gloves and then with a handkerchief tried to staunch the blood.

"To get away from him," Bella said, looking at the blood now smeared on Brody's vest. "To put as much distance between my husband and I as I could."

Brody's hand stilled. "Husband?"

"Yes, my husband or well he was my husband up till a few weeks ago."

"You're divorced?"

Bella nodded her head. Brody had to wonder what level of betrayal must she feel to be in such a rage. "I'm sorry that he hurt you. But you have to let him go Bella, or he'll still hold the power over you. To cause you to do this?" He said holding up her hand so she could see the damage she inflicted. "Don't give him or any man that power, Bella. Do you understand?"

Brody put a protective arm around her. "Come on, let's get you back to town. Once you've cleaned up and I have too well, I'll get you a muffin and something to drink at the café. Deal?"

Bella just shook her head, yes not trusting to talk just yet.

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