Interrogation (MysteriousDryad & Ruechari)

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Bella and Brody headed back to town riding Lady and Black Knight.

"I'm going to go get cleaned up, you go to the Doc to get your fists cleaned and patched up and I'll meet you at the café. Ok?"

Bella nodded her head and headed towards the doc, wincing a bit in pain.

"There ya go. Here are some extra bandages so you can change them every other day and come back if your fists get worse," Bella said thanks quietly for his help and headed towards the café.

Brody went back to the jail to get his vest cleaned up before heading towards the café. 'At least this gives me a chance to question her about the shooting.'

Bella was dismounting Lady when Brody came striding up on Black Knight.

Brody ties off the horses outside of the café. "I wish I was meeting with you under better circumstances and please understand I mean no offense, but a newcomer and a shooting will be seen as more than a coincidence."

He pulled out a chair and gave her a seat. Bella looked at him disappointed. Brody looked down at her hands, hating to ask. "Do you know Barton Denver or the Denver family?"

"No," she said rather dull.

"Do you know anyone who is currently residing on the Liberty Belle?"

"What is a Liberty Belle?"

"The Riverboat docked at the river outside of Tent City."

"Tent City?"

Bella was either the best liar in the west or she really had no clue.

Suddenly she had a question of her own, "Why would you think me capable of shooting someone?" Her eyes showed her obvious hurt.

Brody reached out for her hand, careful of her damaged knuckles. "Because people sometimes do stupid things when they've been hurt," he said lightly touching the bandage with his thumb to drive his point home.

"I guess I can see your point," Bella said pulling her hand away and placing it on her lap, "but I promise you I do not know this Denver, his family or anyone on Liberty Belle. I'm just trying to find a place to start over."

"I'm sorry I had to even ask, Bella. I believe you. Think we can put this behind us and enjoy a meal? Myna truly does have the best muffins in town."

She gave Brody a slight smile. "I would like that."

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