First or Last Steps (NehpetsEnal & MysteriousDryad)

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First or Last Steps

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First or Last Steps

Nervous and hesitant I get ready for this, question mark, date with Brett. 'I barely even know him, but here we are going on a date, I think.'

I've got to admit, there's something rather interesting about Bella, but can't quite put my finger on it. 

It's not like I have an overwhelming expectation but feel pretty sure if I don't get this right, she won't give me a second chance.

Once done, I leave my room and search for Brett, hoping to see him already here. Normally I'm guilty of judging a book by its cover, but not so on this occasion.

I took a chance and got to the hotel early, in the hope I might sneak a cheeky glimpse of her, my luck was in.

He walked inside the hotel and I met him halfway. "Hello, Brett." I smiled a tad trying to hide my nervousness as best as I could.

I took her hand, upon which I'd planned to place a kiss, she seemed reluctant and thought I felt a slight tremble. 

I knew now wasn't the time to sit across the table and have an awkward conversation, so suggested to the lady. 

"Perhaps you would prefer to take a walk outside, and stretch your legs in the evening air?"

I nodded agreeably and followed him outside. I breathed in the crisp evening air and immediately relaxed, finding solace in the air and nature. 

"Nature and all its glory have always seemed to relax me, no matter the current situation. Though, you barely knew me you still asked me out on a date, if that's what this is. Why, if I may ask?" 

Something about his unassuming manner put me at ease, I'm now feeling more relaxed than I can remember.

"You can ask me anything you like I think your desire to talk is refreshing, you can tell by my smile. 

I'd probably have opened the conversation with some benign question about the weather, but not you Bella. 

I guess the question you ask is part of the answer, you're straight to the point, without being rude, but that's not the whole picture. 

From the moment I first set eyes on you, they were intrigued by your air of mystery, but let's cut to the chase, basically, I find you very interesting."

I smile brightly at his words.

"Why thank you, Brett, I appreciate it. However, I can tell you want to ask me something so please feel free to ask. I won't bite" Winking at him playfully.

I took a deep breath. "Wow, no fear of Rabies then!"

She laughed. 

"Well if we are being honest, you must know my father is fighting desperately for his life. 

It's not so much a question as a warning, because of your strange and untimely arrival in town, they think it's a reason to question you. 

Just thought you ought to know, if he weren't my father, I guess they'd be questioning me, perhaps they will."

"I'm sorry about your father, I really am. So, please if there's anything I can do, do let me know. Thank you for the warning Brett but Deputy Brody and I have already spoken. He knows there's not a single fiber of my body that would wish to hurt anyone, basically, I'm too nice and I'd rather not have it on my conscience."

I take a seat against a tree and finally decide that I'll tell him why I came. 'One less person asking about my arrival anyways.' 

Without explanation, Bella sat beneath the Cottonwoods, where I joined her, listening intently to what she had to say, only interjecting where necessary, with questions of clarity, family and children. 

All in all, it was a sad and unpleasant story, from someone who seemed a similar age to me, but then I guess that's not uncommon in BG.

But what surprised me the most was that she thought I was itching to ask her questions about her arrival, nothing could be further from the truth.

"Bella, I appreciate you taking the time to tell me about the unpleasant circumstances that brought you here but rest assured it wasn't necessary. 

I was and still, am full of curiosity but it's about you and who you are, what are your likes and dislikes and what makes you tick. 

I have also traveled a lot and it was often fascinating, but sometimes lonely and scary, what I would truly like is for us to share those experiences. What do you think?"

"I'd like that", I said with a small smile present on my face. With Brett beside me, the time flew by, we sat with our backs against the tree and talked about everything and nothing until sunrise, something I'd not done since I was a teenager.

When the sun peeped over the horizon, he helped me to my feet, we said our goodbye's and thank you's with no sexual innuendo and he gave me a welcome, but a cautious friend like peck on the cheek before we parted company. 

There was now a mutual warmth of companionship between us, smiles lingering on our faces, it may have been the rising sun, but they seemed to be glowing a little red. 

I think it's safe to say we are or will become good friends, both harbouring a wish, that we would get another such an opportunity to investigate a budding platonic relationship." 

Just being just friends with a man is new to me, it somehow makes me feel safer.

I can't believe it, just spent the whole night with a beautiful woman and not once did I try my luck, normally I'd feel miffed, but in fact, I feel liberated. 

How strange, best not tell Bart he'll think I'm losing my touch.

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