Sunday Morning - Part One (MystresMyna

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Sunday Morning – Part One 

"Well Margarita, 

Tomorrow's the day!"

"I es so nervous, Bishop DoRito. 

What if I forgets what to say?" 

"Oh! You will do fine!" 

The Bishop beams with a smile. 

"We will all be at your side, 

As you walk this final mile. 

Go get some sleep, child, 

It will be a long day." 

 "Gracious, Bishop DoRito, 

I es head to da café."

 * * * * 

 Decorations are prepared, 

So too the buffet. 

Aunt Sue, Myna, and Gyn, 

Have been busy all day. 

Flowers in the chapel, 

For Margarita a simple white dress. 

All is taken care of, 

So, no reason to stress. 

In the café, 

There is laughter and cheer. 

"Come in Margarita, 

Join us, my dear!" 

"Hola, Tia Sue, Myna and Gyn, 

Ju all seem to be muy feliz." 

"It has been a wonderful day, 

We've been busy little bees." 

Myna smiles and grabs a cup, 

"Join us for tea and muffins, if you please." 

 "Gracious, Senorita Myna, But not tonight. 

I es off to bed now, 

I must be up before the sun light."

 * * * * 

 The morning comes, 

In the blink of an eye. "

Today I es say hola to a new life, 

And to da past I says good-bye." 

The pews are all filled, 

The church bell rings; 

Everyone listens... 

As Loren sings. 

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