Delirious Dreams (lyttlejoe)

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Delirious Dreams

3Gun lay on Doc's cot 

Sweat beads on his brow 

All he could think of lying there 

Was, he's gonna get it now

Delirious when he first arrived 

The bullet was through and through 

'Another scar,' the Doc had said. 

To him it's nuthin' new.'

'Patched him up so many times 

I've actually lost the count.' 

'What was that bit about lilac fields?' 

But Doc would not recount

'Are the boys okay? Brody and Buck?' 

3Gun's eyelids fluttered 

'Wyler's dead and one other, the last is in jail.'

'Good, that's good.' 3Gun muttered

'The boots, what about the boots?'

'Too small for you, Buck took them.' 

'Out you go, Brody,' Doc said. 

 'He needs his rest. 

 When CG gets back he's gonna have to be at his very best.'

The bit of laudanum made the dream return 

It was a balmy, clear and cloudless day 

The hand he held was soft and warm 

And a subtle breeze made grasses sway

And a subtle breeze made grasses sway

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The sudden scent of lilac made the sheriff stop

He felt pressure as his partner clutched his arm 

He smiled and looked into her eyes 

Bedeviled by her charm

Doc had seen that smile before

He knew the lilac dream 

Each time he'd patched up 3Gun's wounds 

Laudanum had made it stream

Brody had banged up both his knees 

Buck had bruised and scraped his fist 

But Brody laughed, pointing at Wyler's boots 

And the bullet holes that Buck had missed

Sister Mary Grace came to the Doc's 

Sat beside the sheriff in a chair 

Listened to his rambling

And said a silent prayer

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