I mugged her before getting out and taking a look at her home.
It was a nice 2 story dark brick home. A orange Challanger sat parked in the driveway..

I have to get ric to send down the G-wagon. I brought it for Karin but she left so quick.

I carried out bags up the steps with the help of the driver.

I tipped me $50 before thanking him and closing the door.

I heard talking so i followed the voice. Karin's house was nice. Pink, grey white and black.

Her house was exactly how i thought she would have it.

"Mamas"i called out

"We're upstairs babe" Karin called back

Really like that she calling me babe n shit instead of Dave or east.

I jogged up her stairs before seeing them in the first door.

It was a pink room completely decorated for Ki.
"Remember i told you that when you come visit me i had a surprise for you." She said smiling at Ki.

She nodded "This is my room mommy?"

"Yep baby all yours."

She gave Karin a tight hug before going and playing with the toys.

Karin watched her for a second "okay baby you play let mommy go find ya big headed daddy. Don't take your shoes off yet we have to go to the store."

"Okay" Ki said not really even listening to karin.

She stood up and turned around "ahhh"
She said clutching her chest.

"Dang Dave— you cant be creeping up on me." She said walking past me

I followed behind her to a room.

"Do you want to see something?" She asked as she stopped outside a door.

He nodded.

She opened the door slowly before flicking on the light to the room.

It was her design room. She had unfinished designs hanging off mannequins, different fabrics and sewing shit scattered through out the room.

"Before we broke up and i left.. i was designing something..." she said pausing before walking over to a box in the corner of the room.

She pulled out a shirt and looked at it before handing it to me...

I held the shirt up.

It says Dave East with a diamond on it. It was hard as fuck.

"You made this ma?" I asked while admiring the shirt..
She nodded "Yeah, i was hoping that these shirts would have motivated you to really pick up with the rapping shit more.. Having ya name on the shirt and having your fans rocking these shirts... Now that your" she paused chuckling "famous I'm sure your fans would love this."

"I ain't famous ma. I'm still that nigga East from Harlem."

She shook her head "see that's where you go wrong!! Not giving your self the credit Dave. People all over love your music not to mention how many girls love you. Your a sex symbol. You know how many interviews I've watched when people call you the most sexiest men.. This is branding yourself even more Dave.." she said looking at me seriously

I just stared amazed at this girl... she was right, people loved so i had no doubt that they would fucks with these. Karin did the design nice too.

"But ma i don't know shit about selling clothes.."

Karin smiled "Well luck for you, you have friend who happens to have a store and can possibly help you. You can do a pop up shop with another Clothing brand store or you can do a online store like Uh Merch?? Youtubers sell there merch online n shit so you could do that too."

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