Chapter 17 : Skatepark

Start from the beginning

- "Let's just sit and do nothing," Lucas told.

They helped Bev to stand and went near the rail. Jane, Will, Mike, and Dustin sat on it, Beverly lied down on the floor, Max was standing in front of Jane, and Lucas in front of the boys.

- "Your sister is working?" Max asked.

- "Yep, Friday is the day she finishes later than the other days," Jane explained.

- "Where is she working ?"

- "The week at the primary school, she gave music lessons and the week-end she is assistant with the disabled."

- "Oh really? It's awesome, and it's an hard work!"

- "Indeed," Jane smiled.

- "She must be good with kids," the redhead stated.

- "She is, she has always been. You were new here too, right? (Max nods) How was it for you?"

- "It could have been worse. It's mostly thanks to the basketball that I met new people especially Bev, and then the boys, why?"

- "Just wondering. You finish here because of your stepfather ?"

- "Yep, he wanted to be far from my father to begin a new life," Max sighed.

- "Do you miss him?"

- "Of course, but I don't think it would have been a good idea for me to stay with him, he is too his world. What about yours?" Max asked, worried of the answer.

- "I've never met mine, he died before I could. My mom and he separated before I was born. He went in Paris with my sister but he didn't know my mom was pregnant of me."

- "Wait, you didn't grow up with your sister?" the redhead frowned.

- "Nope, not at the beginning. The first time I met her I was...eleven," Jane answered touching the top of her head.

- "Whoa, that's crazy!"

- "Yeah, kinda."

Their conversation had been cut by a group of teens surrounding them. It was Abigail and her friends cheerleaders and Football players. Beverly slowly stood to face them while Max and Lucas were on the defensive, looking in their eyes.

- "Hi losers," Abigail smirked.

- "What do you want!?" Max replied.

- "Punish the thief," Alban answered.

- "The thief? We didn't steal anything," Mike frowned.

Abigail and Alban shared an accomplice smile. The teenage boy rushed on Jane and raised her in the air before blocking her on the floor with his body. Her friends tried to help her, but the other Football players and cheerleaders grabbed them, stopping them from moving. Abigail began to walk in circle around Jane and Alban with a mischievous smile.

- "You think you can land your cute face in our town and have all the boys at your feet? I'm sorry to tell you, (crouches next to her and get closer to Jane's face) it doesn't work like that," Abigail explained.

- "Ruining my tee-shirt wasn't enough!? You're gonna beat me up!? Fifteen against seven!? So brave!" Jane replicated, struggling.

- "What? You're scared?" the girl mocked with a chuckle.

- "I won't give you this pleasure."

Abigail hadn't the time to answer that Jane grabbed Alban's jacket and hit his face with her head. The young boy rolled on his side, holding his face with his hands, allowing Jane to stand. A black-haired guy tried to punch. Jane parried the hit, grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back. She tackled him against the rail and twisted more his arm while he was screaming of pain. One of his friends wanted to help him and came from behind the girl. She heard him and, like a horse, kicked behind her right in his balls. The young boy bended and fell on the floor, his hands between his legs.

The other teens began to relax their hands around Jane's friends' arms, dazed by the change of the situation. Max freed herself and crushed her assaillants' feet. The girl and the boy jumped on one of their legs, holding their foot like if it would stop the pain. The rest of the party followed the movement and had the advantage on the cheerleaders and Football players. A real fight began between the two sides.

Abigail, feeling the situation escaping her, grabbed Jane by her neck and threw her on the floor. Jane tried to stand, but Abigail kicked her in her ribs, multiple times. Even if Jane was feeling her stomach and chest burning, she was used to it and knew she could handle it. But she wasn't ready for the kick in the face. She fell on her back, stunned, seeing blurred and feeling a hot liquid flowing from her nose. Her ears were buzzing, and she was unable to see what was happening, but Abigail's shape, who was originally threatening her, began to run, followed by more shapes. Someone grabbed her arm and rolled her on her left side.

- "Are you okay?" the girl asked.

Jane, who was still stunned, nodded with difficulties because of the pain in her neck. She saw some blue lights a bit farther and understood that someone called the police. The girl forced her to sit and to take support on her body, like a chairback. Jane's vision began to become more and more clear, seeing her friends with diverse wounds, talking with the police. She recognised the long red hair falling on her shoulder and knew the girl was Max and that she was in her arms. Her heart began to race and she didn't know if it was because of the stress or something else. Probably a mix of both. She wanted to move from her arms to not disrespect her, but her body was hurting too much, and she was feeling good with her, like if the pain was surmountable.

Max was holding tight Jane. Her body was shaking and her eyes seemed a bit lost, like if she didn't know where she was. She took off a tissue from her pocket and placed it under Jane's bloody nose. The other girl started before looking up at her with a small smile. The redhead loved her smile, she was doing her best to see it everytime she was with her. This smile was making her feel good, warm, and bubbly. Even stained with blood, it was still a beautiful smile.

- "Jane, you are karaté kid," Max whispered in her ear.

Jane lightly chuckled but wasn't sure she heard correctly what she said.

A policeman told them they called an ambulance to check them, even if Jane was telling them she was okay. But Max forced her to see the ambulance to check and threatned her to break more her nose if she was leaving before. The police officers didn't make a file, for them it was just a school quarrel. Even if Jane thought it was unfair, she was glad to not have a mark of this fight.

Each teens waited for one of their parents to take them back. When Jane's sister arrived, the young girl was looking down with her bandage on her nose.

- "Well, you seem okay," Constance stated.

- "You're not mad?" Jane frowned.

- "You don't get involved in fights easily, and I trust you. You are lucky they don't make a file."

- "I know. I'm sorry..."

- "It's fine, you're just going to be ugly for the next days," the blonde young woman joked.

Jane had a small chuckle and followed her sister, her left arm under her sister's and riding her bike with her right hand.

All the teens went back home, covered of bandages and exhausted by this brawl.

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