Chapter 21

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Abigail's P.O.V(Warning Slight Smut)
"I'll be fine Mel don't worry about it."

"Are you sure I can walk with you if ya want."

"No you're sick I'll be alright I'll be home in a little while it's only the shop."

She lightly nods her head before curling back down in the blankets I smile heading out and to the store. I'm so glad next week we will be getting a car I don't like walking threw the snow since it's freezing out. I wrap my arms myself as I continue down the street not many people are out so it's pretty quite. I turn the corner making my way threw the snow when I hear a soft whimper. Turning towards the sound I walk a little ways down a street before seeing a small puppy limp forward with no tags.

"Hello sweetie you must be so cold."

I say picking it up I put it in my coat and it shivers snuggling closer to me trying to get some body heat.

"I'm heading to the store to get some food I'll take you with me you don't look like you've eaten in weeks. You can be my new puppy come on we'll get you some food as well as toys and a collar and lesh. Then on Monday after school I'll go and buy you some tags so you'll officially be mine."

I smile heading the rest of the way to the store I keep him or her in my jacket while I buy the few things Mel asked me to pick up including puppy food and a couple toys. Once I pay for everything we head out and back towards the flat I hear tires screech before a silver car pulls up beside me and a woman rolls down the window.

"Get in please don't ask questions."

"I'm sorry but I don't know you."

"Please you need to believe me just smile and act like you know me.

I nod smiling as I do what she says getting in I place the bags on the backseat before she steps on the gus.

"May I ask who you are."

"The name's Emily I was driving home from work when I spotted a guy about six foot and maybe two hundred pounds following you. And by the look on his face I don't think he was to nice so I figured I would stop and act to know you."

"Oh my thank you so much."

"No problem where do you live I can drop you off."

"That complex the next block over."

"My cousin lives there."

She smiles I smile back as we drive over and she pulls up I keep the puppy wrapped up and grab the bags. Thanking her again I head inside quickly making sure teh security door shuts firmly behind me. Heading to the flat I unlock the door and step in making sure to relock it behind me before I set the bags in the kitchen.

"Mel look what I found on the way to the shop."

I smile walking into the living room and I sit by her feet showing her the puppy.

"Awe you have a puppy is it a stray?"

"Yeah looks like it hasn't eaten for a couple weeks and it was limping so I figured I would bring it home."

"Is it a boy or girl?"

"I don't know I didn't check."

"Well let's see."

We quickly check before Mel smiles.

"It's a girl awe what are you going to name here?"

"Hmm I don't know does snowflake or snowball sound better?"

"I like Snowflake snowball sounds like a boy dogs name."

"Alright her name will be Snowflake."

I smile kissing the puppy's head I set her on the couch and grab a towel to dry her off and she wags her tail.

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant