Chapter 7

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*Warning some sexual harassment please do not read if it could trigger any bad memories.*

Abigail's P.O.V

"Mel are you almost ready we have ten minutes to get there."

"Yeah I'm coming shit."

Walking out of the bathroom Mel fixes her outfit we're heading to the Halloween party tonight. Melina is a which with a short sort of puffed out dress and a pointy hat while I'm going dressed as the devil. Mel picked out my outfit which is a short tight fit red dress horns and ballet shoes to match. I can't wear heels yet so those were the next best thing.

"We look amazing are you ready to get your party on?"

"I guess Mel but you have to promise me you will be careful tonight we probably won't go home the same time."

"I promise I will but you have to promise too."

"I promise I will try my hardest to stay safe."

She smiles at me before grabbing her hat and putting it on, locking the door behind us we head out and began the short walk to the school.

"I'm glad the university is letting us have the party in the gym."

"I know Abs can I ask you something?"

"Sure Mel what is it?"

"Well you know Louis right he's Niall's friend?"

"Um I've only talked to him once on the phone but yeah what about him?"

"He um asked me out on a date two weeks from tonight it would have been sooner but he's really busy with work."

"Awe what did you say to him?"

"I told him I had to think about it I wanted to know what you think."

"I think if you trust him and if you really want to then go right ahead as long as your safe."

"Thanks Abs and I will I promise."

We soon arrive at the school heading in threw a side door we make it to the gym where music is blasting threw stereos. The place is already packed with students drinking from red plastic cups. Walking with Melina we head over to the table where Dan and Jack are standing and who it seems are dressed as batman and robin.

"Nice costumes boys you guys like pretty good in tights."

"Funny Melina but you girls look great."

"Why thank you Jack but honey you have a man."

I laugh as Jack narrows his eyes moving towards the bleachers we all sit and talk for a little while. I can't help but feel like I'm being watched but I know that's crazy so I ignore it. After about an hour and a half I'm sitting on the bleachers taking a break watching everyone dance. I had danced with Mel, Jack, Dan and a few other friends. I was having a pretty good time and Mel had finally gone off with some of her friends after I convinced her I was fine alone. I just didn't want to irritate my ankle or cause it to swell anymore.

"Hey sexyy what's a purtty thang like youu doing hur alone?"

I turn to my left to see a guy about twenty-one holding a red cup in his hand, from the way his words slur and from his smell I can tell he's drunk.

"I think you need to leave please."

"Come on babyyy don't be like tha."

Standing I walk down from the bleachers and quickly push threw the crowd to lose him. Glancing around I see that I have an head to the bathroom, washing my hands I fix my hair. Heading out I'm shoved into a wall and pinned by the same guy from before.

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now