Chapter 30 *Final Chapter*

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Abigial's P.O.V *Three weeks later.*

I'm finally out of the hospital and we are living in our new house I was made to quit my job which to be honest irks me a little. I know Niall wants to keep me safe but I don't have any money and I don't want to take any from him.

"Abs Niall want's to talk to you he's in the study.'

"Why can't he come get me?"

"I have no idea but he needs put in his place what should I say?"

"If he wants to talk to me he can come get me himself."

"Girl I taught you so well."

I giggle sitting on Niall and I's bed we haven't slept in here much since we've moved in I don't know why. I hear shouting from downstairs and I smile when I hear Mel's sass. Footsteps sound on the steps before the door opens and Niall walks in.

"Why didn't you come to the study?"

"Because you have two legs you can come get me yourself."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Because my boyfriend is a complete asshole who won't share a bed with me anymore and won't show any affection except for a kiss to the temple."

I snap sitting on the window seat folding my arms I hear him sigh before walking over and standing beside me.

"Listen baby it's not that I'm trying to be an asshole I'm just so stressed trying to find him. I don't show much affection because the second night you were at the hospital you were sleeping. I went to hold you and you cried in your sleep begging for me to leave you alone so I did."

"I didn't mean it towards you it was probably a nightmare. Why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I didn't want to upset you more."

He whispers I pull him down beside me and I cup his cheek.

"Niall nothing you have done since this happened has upset me other then the fact you've barley touched me in anyway. You were amazing with everything that happened and I owe my life to both you and Louis. If you ever feel like this I want you to talk to me okay?"


He smiles pressing his lips to mine in a firm kiss I lean closer and he carefully picks me up laying me on the bed before kissing me.

"We can't do anything yet your ribs and shoulder are messed up still."

"Just hold me and I'll be happy."

I say he nods laying next to me laying my head on his chest kissing my hand lightly.


Last chapter :( I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter and the epilogue will be up in a few minutes I really hope that you enjoy it as well.


The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें