Chapter 8

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*The Next Morning*

Abigail's P.O.V

Opening my eyes reluctantly I peered around the strange room I was in, I thought for a few seconds before last nights events came to mind. Looking to my left I see Niall fast asleep his face is relaxed and he seemed so peaceful as he slept. A slight snore came from his mouth and I placed a hand over mine to keep from giggling out loud. I feel my phone vibrate next to me reaching over I pull it out to see a text from Mel.

From Mel:

Spending the day hanging with Louis

I hope you're feeling better and I'll

talk to you later x


Okay I am feeling better have fun x

I set my phone on the night stand before turning back towards Niall who's peering at me. I jump a little when I notice him watching me before blushing a slight red.

"You're beautiful when you blush."

"T-thank you."

I stutter as he chuckles at me I listen to the sound and wonder what it would sound like if he really laughed I bet it sounds musical.

"You're welcome did you sleep well?"

"Yes I did I don't think I even woke up once."

"Good I'm glad to hear that."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah pretty good."

"I can tell did you know that you snore?"

He frowned his face looking confused.

"I do not snore."

"Yes you do I heard you."

"I don't think so."

"It's true you just don't want to admit it."

"I do not snore Abigail."

"Yes you do Niall."

He frowned more before looking at me with a smirk I scooted a little bit back but he followed me. As I tried to get up he grabbed my ankle pulling me back and into his chest before flipping me on my back and straddling me. I froze as his nose ran along my jaw brushing it lightly as his lips came to my ear.

"I do not snore."

He whispers before tickling my sides I let out a loud scream as I started laughing trying to kick my legs.

"Ni-Niall stop tickling me I h-hate it."

"No I don't think I will."

"Please I h-have to go to t-the bathroom."

Sighing he reluctantly stops before climbing off of me I stand up still giggling before walking into the bathroom. Once I'm finished I walk into the living room where I hear Niall shuffling around.

"Is there anything certain you'd like to eat?"

"No I don't care."

Nodding his head he goes back to whatever he was doing as I sit on the couch. After about ten minutes he calls me into the dinning room where he has eggs and bacon along with orange juice.

"Wow this looks amazing thanks Niall."

"It's no problem to be honest I don't usually do this."

"Make breakfast?"

"No have a girl stay over and then her still be here in the morning."


I reply before turning towards my food I suddenly wasn't very hungry but pushed myself to eat it.

"Are you okay Abigail?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

He gave me an unconvinced look before shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you have any planes today?"

"No I have the day off and Mel is hanging out with your friend Louis."

"Do you want to hang out with me?"


He smiles before taking our plates to the sink and telling me to go into the living room. I do as he asks sitting on the couch he comes in sitting down as well sighing.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Whatever as long as we don't have to go out."

"You want to watch a movie then?"

"Yeah that'll be fine."

Niall grabs a random movie and puts it in before laying out I curl up in the corner when I feel him nudge my foot. I turn and see him with his arms open I give him a weird look before crawling over to him. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist as I lay there to be honest it felt nice. As the movie played I listened as Niall's breath evened out letting me know he had fallen back to sleep. I can't believe I'm laying here with a supposed demon type person I'm still a bit afraid but not as much. I feel my eyes begin to grow heavy and I quickly fall into a light slumber.


Hey clovers I'm sorry this chapter is so short it's more of a filler with a little fluff. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far but drama will be coming in a two or three chapters hehe. Comment and vote pretty please:)

~Crissy xo

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