Chapter 5

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Abigail's P.O.V

"Alright class that will be it for today have a great weekend."

Gathering my things I head out into the mass swarm of students quietly walking threw I try looking for Mel or Jack. I soon spot my red hair best friend and sneak up behind her poking her ribs.

"Who the hell oh Abs it's just you I was about to turn around and kick you."

"Yes it's just me please refrain from kicking me I don't want to be in pain."

"So what are we doing tonight I though I heard Jack say something about going out or something."

"Yeah that's what he said that we need to party it out or something like that."

"Well let's go find him and see what we're doing."

Heading in the direction of the parking lot we see Jack leaning against the car kissing his boyfriend Dan.

"Can't you to wait till you get home before you start sucking face?"

"Your just jealous Melina because it's not you kissing me it's Dan."

"Please Jack I want a man not a boy."

I chuckle along with Dan as we watch the two of them argue back and forth.

"So Abigail how were your classes?"

"Pretty good I'm glad it's the weekend and I'll hopefully be able to sleep in tomorrow but living with Mel who knows."

"Yeah Jack is the same way I'm lucky if I get to sleep in five minutes after he wakes up."

"Tell me about it maybe those to should have been room mates."

"I know maybe we should do that and see what they say."

I smirk before nodding my head he grins back before shouting at both of them.

"Okay Abigial and I have something to tell you both. Well since we can never sleep in because of you two we have decided we are going to move in together and you two can move in together if you wish."

"Like the hell you are you can't just take my best friend are you nuts?"

"Crystal there is no way you two are moving in with each other."

I can't help but laugh as they start babbling and I hold my hands up to silence them both.

"It was a joke chill the both of you are we won't go any where tonight together."

"Okay so Jack where are we going tonight?"

"We are going to the Blue Moon I've been wanting to go there for awhile now and I figured why not this weekend."

"Sounds like a good idea but Crystal and I are going to leave now then if we are to get ready in time."

We wave goodbye to the boys before we begin the short walk back to our flat to start getting ready.......

"What about this dress does it go with these shoes?"

"Yes Mel you look great trust me."

Mel smiles as she fixes her mini black dress and heels I finish sweeping my hair up in the front to form a little bump leaving the back of my hair down. I run my hands down my mini dress which is in a blood red with a hint of black and black heels. I finish with my shadow grey make up look then spirits on perfume.

"Okay Mel I'm ready what do you think?"

"You look amazing we is both hot let's go now Jack and Dan should be here any minute to pick us up."

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now