Chapter 10

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Abigail's P.O.V


Lifting my head I look around when I notice Jack rushing down the hallway.

"Hey Jack it's great to finally see you I've missed you."

"I've missed you too."

He replies wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me, I giggle as people give him weird looks.

"Well you're sure in a happy mood today aren't you"

"Yeah I finally got to see you and Mel I get to go back to work and I don't feel like shit anymore. Plus when I was sick Dan said no sex but since I'm better I plan on getting some ass tonight."

Letting out a groan we start walking out of the university as I chuckle shaking my head.

"I do not want to hear about your sex life with Dan please keep that to yourself."

"Why don't you want to know how big he is and how it feels when he sinks into m-."

"Jack stop it I honestly do not care about your sex life."

I laugh as he begins pouting before he pulls me in for a sideways hug as we talk.

"Fine but I really am glad to see you would you like me to drive you home?"

"Um actually could I just stay the night at your place? Since Mel isn't going to be there tonight I don't really want to be alone."

"Sure Mel kind of told me what happened because she was worried about leaving you. I think you still have like three outfits at the house still. Oh by the way I was folding clothes while I was sick. An I would just like to say you have great taste in panties."

"Jack what the hell you have so many issues I swear."

"But you love me any way and you know it."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say."

I reply as we climb into his car heading towards the house leaning my head against the window I listen as it starts raining while humming to the radio. We soon arrive at a small cottage looking house where Dan and Jack live and I grab my coat placing it over my head as we run inside.

"Babe I'm home and I brought a feisty little blond for us to play with tonight."

I smack Jack's arm as I remove my coat and shoes Dan come up from the hall hugging Jack.

"Well it does seem like you got us a blond but I think she might be a little more than you can handle."

"She is not I can handle her no problem."

"Whatever you say Jack."

I reply before we head into the living room placing in a movie to watch as we ignore the storm outside.

Niall's P.O.V

Four hours I have been sitting outside of Abigail's flat four fucking hours and she still isn't home. She should have been home already but I have no idea where she is. I slam my hand against the steering wheel as I try to think of where she could be. Jack. I can't believe I didn't think of his place sooner pulling away from the curb I head down about four blocks and over five before I pull up in front of a cottage looking house. Climbing out I head up to the front door ignoring the rain as I knock. After a few moments it swings open to reveal a man about my size looking at me.

"Is Jack here?"

"Um yeah Jack someone want's you."

I watch as Jack comes to the door and the guy behind him heads back in.

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora