Chapter 25

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Niall's P.O.V
"What are we going to do how are we getting her back?"

"Don't worry Melina we'll get her back I promise."

"You it's because of you they took her why didn't you tell us what you were mixed up in?"

"Because I didn't think this would ever happen I wanted to keep her safe I didn't think anyone knew we were together."

"Well now they do and my best friend is gone I want to know how you plan on getting her back."

I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose taking a deep breath in I stop my pacing to stand in front of her.

"They want money drug money an amount of money that I do not have nor plan on giving them if I did. Louis and I are going to find out where they are keeping her and we are going in. I am going to shoot anyone that gets in my way. If there is a single mark on her I will shoot whoever did it I am determined to get her back."

"You can't just go on a shooting rampage they could kill her before you even made it to whatever room or thing she is in. Niall you need to use your head when you go into this or someone that isn't meant to be killed will be."

"Mate Mel's right we need to think of a good solid plan but first we need to find out where she is being hidden."

"This is a big city Louis she could be anywhere how are we going to find her?"

"We ask around but only people we trust."

"The only people I trust are either in this room or being held prisoner by a bunch of crazy fucks."

"I have connections you worry about figuring out how to get in once we find out where she is. We need to hurry we only have a limited amount of time. An Niall whatever you do don't let your anger get in the way of saving her."
Abigial's P.O.V
I've been in here three days or at least that's what I can tell by the tiny light from the window that they uncovered from snow. I was in so much pain my ribs hurt the worst I told them I needed a doctor but they won't let me see one. I found out the guy who brought me here was the boss I was to call him sir he had told me master but there is no way in hell I'm calling him that. Pissed I was beyond angry and scared with this situation mainly scared but whenever I felt like giving up I just thought of what he told me in the beginning. I was so hungry I haven't been allowed anything to eat since yesterday, I run my hands threw my hair I needed a shower. Footsteps sound over the head before the door to the basement opens the boss walks down with a bowl in his hands.


"What is it?"

"Chili you dipshit."

"How do I know it's not poisoned?"

He groans before taking a bite and swallowing.

"If it was poisoned I would be dead not shut the fuck up and eat."

I take the bowl from him looking down and I feel my head snap up from my hair being pulled.


"T-thank you s-sir."

He releases my hair before heading back upstairs I push the food around a little looking at it my stomach growls. Sighing I begin eating enjoying the warmth it brings once I finish I set the bowl down looking at the cuffs around my ankles. I just need to get out of here I want to go home I want to hid under my blankets I wat to be able to talk to Mel. Wiping my eyes with my shirt I lean back against the wall sighing I want my demon.

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now