Chapter 26

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Abigail's P.O.V
"Come on baby it will be fun."

"But Niall I don't do too good up this high."

"I promise you'll be fine just trust me."

I look at him before glancing over the side where the cars speed past closing my eyes I take a deep breath before placing my hand in his. He pulls me up and I stand before I feel him come behind me placing his hands on my hips.

"Open your eyes now."

Hesitantly I open my eyes and see the sun slowly setting over the top of houses and buildings. The wind swirls around us causing snow to flitter in the light.


"Pretty isn't it?"

"It's breath taking thank you for bringing me up here."

I smile leaning back in his arms watching as the sun gives way to the moon and stars.
*End of dream.*

"Wake up babe."

I open my eyes glancing around the room before my eyes land on him I scoot farther away brining my knees to my chest.

"What's the matter afraid?"

He sneers stepping closer and touching my face I pull back glaring and he grabs my chin looking at my face.

"Such a shame you have that mark on your face still a pretty thing huh?"

He presses his lips to mine and I slap his head spitting in his face he pulls back before wiping his cheek and glaring at me.

"Looks like you could be taught some manners."

He says before grabbing my arm and twisting it I let out a scream as tears spring to my eyes and pain shoots threw my arm. A knock sounds at the door and a man walks down holding a phone.

"Sorry boss but you have a call."

Releasing my arm he grabs the phone pacing a grin appears on his face as he glances at me.

"She is a very difficult thing the price went up another grand I expect my money in four days time."

He hangs up giving the phone back before looking at me.

"You're little demon is still looking for you such a shame he won't have the money in time."

Laughing he turns and leaves heading up the stairs I feel my tears run down my cheek as I hid my face in my arms.

Niall's P.O.V
"We have four days to figure out how to come up with the rest of this money and we need to figure out fast."

"We can sell a couple drugs but it won't give us that much since we don't have the hard stuff."

"If we get caught we end up in jail which will screw us over we need it fast."

I pace the floor trying to think of a way we could make the money we need.

"A party we'll throw a party invite everyone we sell too we don't need to worry about hard stuff."

"Start calling everyone we'll have it tomorrow we can get all the drugs we need tonight nobody gets in unless they have money."

Louis nods heading out and I begin making calls myself getting the drugs from the makers I get it free by keeping them out of jail.

"I called a bunch and Bill was one of them he's willing to spend three grand on some stuff so we need to make sure it's good."

"Oh trust me it will be."

"Where are we having it?"

"The old boat house police don't worry about that side anymore."

"Alright we can send them out the reminders tomorrow so how much money does he want?"

"Ten grand."

"I thought it was only nine?"

"It was but apparently she's being difficult so the price went up."

"Do you think he's hurt her?"

"I don't doubt it but that just gives me more reason to beat his fucking face in. Now let's get going we need to clear the building out."

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora