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Abigail's P.O.V
"Come on Jack give it back!"

"What's wrong Abby girl can't reach it?"

"You're such a jerk come on give me back my book now."

"Not until you say that I am the best person around and I'm even cooler than you."

"Jack Stevens."

"Abigail Sanders."

"Fine, you're the best and cooler than me."

"That's what I thought I knew it was only an amount of time before you admitted it."

"I don't know why we're friends you still act like you're in primary school."

"Because I'm the best and you love me."

I roll my eyes watching as he adjusts his hat chuckling to himself as he does so even tho he was annoying most of the time he's the closest thing to a brother I have. Brushing my hair out of my eyes I glare at him before turning and walking out of the cafe.

"Awe come on Abs don't be mad at me it was only a little fun I'm sorry."

I look over at him as I walk the pout on his face masking his laughter letting me know in no way was he sorry.

"You're lucky I love you or you would be walking to school alone."

He chuckles before wrapping his arm around my shoulders walking past the busy crowd we head toward the campus. Mel is supposed to meet us at the book stand before we head to our classes. Weaving through all the students we finally spot Mel her hair like a beacon among the other students.


I call her name which makes her head snap up a grin covers her face once she sees us and waves.

"What the hell took you guys so long?"

"Jack stole my book and wouldn't give it back until I repeated his childish demands"

"Really Jack?"

"What can I say I am the best and she knows it."

"You do know I only said that because I wanted my book back right no one would ever think you were the best."


Mel and I chuckle as the three of us walk up the steps walking to our first class which is English. As we walk in we're met by our professor Mrs. Evans who greets us with a warm smile. We take our seats towards the middle and off to the left near the windows. I was always able to work better if I was near a window it helped keep my mind clear. Pulling out my notebook I notice Jack and Mel in a deep conversation so I turn to stare out the window. For once the sky was a nice blue with a few puffy white clouds. I didn't notice how much time passed until Mrs. Evans begins speaking.

"Alright, class today we're going to start a project that you will have the rest of the semester after winter break to finish. I want you to pick one of the things you fear the most and write about it. I want you to tell me why you're afraid of this, have you ever been face to face with this fear?"

"Does it have to be longer than a paragraph?"

Shouted someone from the back of the class everyone laughed along with Mrs. Evans.

"Yes Derek it has to be longer than a paragraph about two pages or so, you could write it as an essay, or anything really as long as it has correct terms punctuation, and your grammar is correct. Now this will be worth seventy-five percent of your grade which is why you'll have the rest of the second semester to do it. The remainder of the class may be spent either socializing quietly or even beginning on your project if you would like."

I turn towards Jack and Mel who both look at me with big grins on their faces.

"Meeting at our flat Jack you bring drinks?"

Jack nods his head the bell rings and we all go our separate ways I spend the rest of the day working through my classes. Finally, the day is thankfully over I met Mel on the steps and we begin the short walk back to our flat.

"So how was the rest of your day Abs?"

"It was good I guess as good as it can get how about yours?"

"Eh same old same old."

I nod my head as we continued walking we're about a block away from our flat when I hear close footsteps.  I look at Mel to see if she notices but the music in her earbuds are blocking out all sound. I glance around the street trying to locate the noise stopping the sound disappears shaking my head I catch up with Melina.

Niall's P.O.V

I hide behind a building as she looks around again that was fucking close I stay a good few feet behind her as she walks with her friend. I make sure they get inside safely before I let out a breath I had been holding. I did this everyday I have been for the past few weeks now making sure she made it to university and back safely everyday. Looking both ways I head back towards my car ready to go to my place which was just a few blocks from here. Climbing in I slam the door shut before starting my Range Rover and pulling into the street. I could use some food hopefully Louis is home by now since he was staying with me for awhile. Pulling into my driveway I head into my flat kicking off my shoes at the door.

"Louis you here?"

"Yeah mate I'm in the kitchen."

I head in the direction of the kitchen where I see Louis standing at the stove with a apron and chef hat on.

"What the hell are you wearing Lou?"

"I didn't want my clothes to get stained so I got this apron and unless you want hair in your food the hat is to keep it up and I look fucking good as well."

I chuckle to myself as he turns back towards the stove I rub my eyes before pulling a drink from the fridge. The cool liquid runs down my throat I sit at the table as he brings over two bowels of chili.

"So did they make it back to their flat okay?"

"Yeah but she almost caught me."

"You need to be careful mate or you're going to scare the shit out of her."

"I know Lou."

We eat with small conversations as some random tv show plays from the lounge. Once we're finished I thank Louis for the food and head toward my room. I take a quick shower slipping on just a simple pair of boxers before sliding into bed. I was tired as hell and just wanted to sleep but I knew I wouldn't be able to right away. Turning on the tv I put on some random show just watching the images flick across the screen. I glance at the clock to  see that it's after eleven I've been laying here for an hour and a half. Turning the tv off I turn my radio on I listen to it and soon find myself quickly drifting off to sleep.

The Demon's Angel (N.H)  (Editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora