Chapter 30

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Chapter thirty

My mouth falls open and my eyes are wider than Kim Kardashians hips.

His little sister is dead. She died and he's at the place they used to go to together.

My heart hurts for him, imagining what he must be feeling is enough to make me want to cry.

Losing anyone in your life is always hard, believe me. I know the feeling of loss and hurt; for someone you love to be taken away from you but for a sibling to be snatched from your arms is undoubtedly one of the worst types of pain. 

"I'm sorry," I tell him, "I wouldn't have pushed like that if I knew." 

He smiles, "It's okay, Audrey."

I look down at my fingernails, "So you were super close, huh?"

I look up at him, "Yea," he nods, "yea we were."

Even the thought of anything happening to the twins or Alex is enough to bring a sinking feeling to my chest, I couldn't begin to imagine what he must be feeling.

He takes a deep breath and looks over at Janice who's on her way to our table, "But let's not talk about this right now."

She sets our plates in front of us and hands us some silverware before looking over at Aiden, "Is there anything else I could get you hon?"

He shakes his head no with a smile and she looks over at me, "No, thank you."

Janice walks away and Aiden laughs at me, "five bucks says you won't be able to eat half of that."

I look down at the big stack of pancakes, "You're on," 

While we eat we talk about a bunch of random topics like the first baseball game he ever went to and my favorite brand of waffles. He talks so simply that it's like he has nothing other than this, this moment we're sharing, on his mind. 

I never knew that Aiden has a little sister until yesterday at the wedding. I didn't know she passed away until a few minutes ago but even though I'd love to know more about her, I wouldn't dare push for him to talk about it.

He'll tell me everything when he's ready as I did him. Even though I don't know much about his sister, there's one thing I'm certain of, she had a big brother who loved her very much

Janice comes back with our ticket and I notice a clock on the wall behind the cash register, it reads 9:33. Aiden and I have been eating for over an hour.

"Do you want a to-go box?" Janice asks after taking Aidens card.

I see his smirk as I nod, "Yes ma'am that'd be great."

I managed to catch a glimpse of the bill before she took it away with his card so when I give him my five dollars for not being able to eat the pancakes I'll give him an extra ten for my food. I would offer to pay for his too but I already know he wouldn't accept it.

He pays and waits for me at the door. I grab my food and walk over to him, "Where are we going?"

He holds the door open and I walk towards his car, never hearing any response. I didn't really expect him to tell me anyway.

We drive for what seems like an hour but based on the clock that reads 10:00, it was less than half an hour.

He pulls into a church driveway and gets out of the car, " this is where I'd go when I was upset. You had your families tree house, I have this." 

He walks past the church and goes into the cemetery behind it. Without asking, I already know we're going to see Samantha.

We get to a little gravestone and he gets down beside it, eyes never leaving the stone.

"'Samantha Cage, beautiful daughter, loving sister and an amazing friend.'" he reads off the stone and holds his eyes there for a moment before he blinks long and hard, setting down in the grass beside it.

He keeps his eyes trained on the grass in front of him as he speaks, "It was a car accident. My dad was drunk and upset, she was in the car. I tried to call him, make him pull over so I could go get her. He wouldn't answer the phone. I was scared, mom and I jumped in my car and we went out looking for them, when we got there it was too late. They were both dead."

He looks up at me, "She was everything good, she didn't deserve that."

A tear escapes my eye and I wipe it away quickly.

"She was lucky she had you."

"I'm not telling you this for sympathy, I'm telling you this so you'll know. You shared a part of yourself with me last night, so I figured I owe you the same in return."

I nod in understanding, "Thank you."

He stands up and brushes the grass off his jeans before offering me a hand up. 

 I take it and do the same, he looks at her gravestone for another moment before turning and walking to the car.

I needed so much support from him last night, crying breathlessly and needing him to help ease the pain I had from simply talking about it. He's so strong to be able to stand up and walk away without a tear ever falling down his face. He's broken, but okay.

We walk to the car and it's a silent ride for about twenty, until he ends that.

"You see that fire station over there?" He points out my window and slows down just enough to give us a chance to see it clearly without it going by in a blur.

"Yea," I look at the fire station with two big trucks sitting in the garage, "what about it?"

He shrugs, "I don't know, I was just tired of the silence."

He turns on the radio and I laugh before singing along to the radio.

A/N: Thanks so much lovely readers! Sorry it's been so long since the last update, things just got super hectic all of a sudden but I hope you enjoyyyy!!

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