Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You know what we need?" I ask Emery and James at the lunch table. 

They both give me an odd look but I ignore it. While they were talking about some random topic I wasn't listening to, I was thinking how we're all three really good friends but we've never hung out outside of school, unless you count me buying a backpack.

"We need to have a sleepover!" I practically shout. I love sleepovers and I haven't had one in a long time. My grandparents wouldn't mind a boy sleeping over as long as he sleeps on the floor, plus Emery will be over so that'll be another good thing to help my case.

"Yea I guess that could be fun." James replies as he puts a tator tot into his mouth. 

I look over at Emery and she smiles, "I'm in." 

"Great!" I reply and look over at Molly, "Are you in?" I ask her and she smiles. I don't really talk to Molly very much but the time we invited her to go shopping with us she seemed cool so I'd like to get to know her better. 

"I'm in." She replies with a smile.

James starts laughing and I give him an odd look, "What's so funny?" I ask and put a tator tot into my mouth, wow I love food.

"You losers will probably turn on some chick flick and I'll end up playing xbox with Alex the entire time." He says with a joking smile and I throw a tator tot at him.

We finish making the plans and they all agree to be over at my house Friday night and we'll watch a scary movie. I hate scary movies but they all seemed to be thrilled at the thought of being scared to death so I guess more power to them.

The bell rings and I throw my trash away and walk to my next class.


When I pull into the driveway, Mason and Alex are in the yard playing soccer while Michelle sits on the porch, drawing a picture.

I walk up the front steps and go inside, leaving the twins and Alex in the yard playing. Mason plays soccer so he's better than a normal six year old but even then he still won't be as good as a fourteen year old boy. 

Grabbing a banana, I run upstairs so I can change clothes and text Aiden. He replies within seconds once I have my shirt and shorts on.

I'll be over in a few ;)

I toss my phone back on my bed and go outside, "Can I play?" I ask Mason and he grins really big and kicks me the ball.

Soccer is my favorite sport and the only sport I'm actually good at. Usually we play girls against boys but since Michelle is drawing its an odd number, Mason and Alex decide, despite my objections, that they should be on a team and I play alone but I guess I'm always up for a challenge. 

I kick the ball and make it into the goal Mason got for Christmas last year. 

"One point for Audrey but we're gonna make a comeback!" Shouts Mason and I laugh.

Alex kicks the ball to Mason and he run with the ball and uses his little leg to kick it as hard as he can. I can tell that the kick didn't have enough force to travel that far so I yell, "Oh no!" letting Mason see me start running to the ball. I run fast enough that it looks like I'm trying but not so fast that I win.

Mason runs as fast as his legs can take him. Alex and I both know I'm letting him win but as long as Mason thinks he's winning I'm fine with losing. 

Mason kicks the ball and it goes the extra few feet into the goal and Alex starts running to him shouting, "We won!" 

Alex is such a good big brother, the twins are lucky to have him always looking out for them. Even when they don't realize, Alex has been protecting them from simple stuff, we both have.

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