Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

On my way to school the next morning I remember the bet between Alex and I. At the end of the day the twins will declare a winner and the loser will be out $40. Hopefully it'll be Alex.

We've never done a prank war before, I mean we prank each other all the time but it's never been for the sake of winning a game. It's been stressful always having to watch your back but it's been a lot of fun as well, I'm just excited for the twins to pick a winner. I know if Alex wins I'll never live it down so I'll be glad to do the honor of rubbing it into his face if I win.

I pull into a coffee shop called "No Doze Cafe" since I skipped breakfast this morning to catch up on the rest of my math homework before third periods test. It's a simple coffee shop but oddly enough I've never been inside, which is weird because I love coffee and grab some on my way to school a lot.

I walk in and order a small coffee with a banana muffin. Once I pay and grab my number I walk to sit at a small table to wait. 

Checking the time, I realize I only have fifteen minutes left to get to class before I'm late. The school isn't very far from here so I'll probably make it. If the coffee and muffin is good I may start coming here more often.

A short blonde woman walks over with my breakfast, "The coffee is really hot." She says and hands me the cup, "Have a great day." I reply and take the muffin and coffee.

It smells so good but I decide to wait until I get to the car to eat it. 

I begin searching for my keys and right before I look up so I don't run into anything, I run into someone, spilling hot coffee all over him.

"Oh shit!" He yells and starts fanning his shirt.

Oh my gosh! The nice lady even warned me of how hot it was and my clumsy self just poured it all over somebody!

"I'm so sorry!" I yell and drop my muffin.

"Shit thats hot! Shit!" 

I'm not sure what I should do. Can I do anything? I have napkins I can use to try to clean up his coffee soaked shirt but I know napkins will basically be useless.

He pulls his shirt off his stomach but keeps it on, not letting the heat touch him. After a few seconds he puts it back down and I sigh in relief knowing the coffee has cooled. He's still covered in coffee but at least it's no longer burning him.

"I'm so sorry!" I grab the napkins out of the muffin bag on the ground and hand them to him.

"Uh... thanks?" He replies and takes them.

"You're welcome." I pause for a moment and he gives me a confused look, "I mean not you're welcome considering you wouldn't even need those napkins had I been watching where I was going and you may not even need them now since the coffee is on your shirt and shirts are absorbent and can't really be dried with a handful of napkins but then again you can always just dab them on your shirt and even though it won't seem to make a difference it might dry slightly faste--"

He begins chuckling and I stop talking, "It's fine, really. It was an accident." He says and gives me a kind smile.

I smile back. "Caleb," he says and reaches out to shake my hand "Audrey."

"Can I buy you a coffee?" I ask and grab my muffin off the ground.

He crosses his arms, "Hmm..." he makes an obvious thinking face before looking at me again and smiling, "I guess I can allow that." 

I laugh, "Thanks... I think?" 

We begin walking inside together and I go and order a small and a large coffee with another banana muffin while he goes to a table.

The nice lady from before gives me a number and I go to meet Caleb at the table. When I get there he's texting somebody but I ignore it and have a seat.

"Sorry," He says and puts his phone down, "I had to text a friend to bring me a new shirt. There's no way I'm walking into school like this."  He says and gestures to the big coffee stain going across his entire shirt. 

It's weird to think about how somebody as gorgeous as he is would care what anybody thinks but I guess people will judge anyone despite their beautiful face, and hair, and body.

He has blonde hair that's pushed back in the front. He has brown eyes and a perfect body, a lot like Aiden in that case. 

I recognize Caleb from the football team so that may be how he got such a good body, I wonder if he's friends with Aiden?

I'm about to ask him if he knows Aiden when someone interrupts my thoughts, "Here man." Says the very familiar voice and a shirt flies past my head, landing perfectly in Calebs hands.

I turn around to see Aiden standing there, well that answers my question about them knowing each other.

"Audrey?" Aiden bursts into a fit of laughter.

"Wait you two know each other?" Caleb asks and gestures between Aiden and I.

"You're the one who poured hot coffee on Caleb?" Aiden says between laughter.

"Yes Caleb we know each other and yes Aiden but it was an accident."

The nice lady with our coffees and muffin walks up to see Aiden laughing, me looking frustrated at his laughing, and Calebs confused look that the two of us know each other.

I don't know why it's such a surprise to him that Aiden and I are friends. I know that I'm cool but ignoring somebody desperate for my friendship would just be rude, so I allow Aiden to be my friend. 

Okay, so that was a lie.

"Thanks."  I tell the nice lady who's now giving us a strange look and she walks away.

I hand Caleb his large coffee and banana muffin before standing up to leave. I may have spilled coffee on him but regardless, I need to get to class.

"Sorry again about the coffee Caleb." I say and he nods.

I turn to Aiden, "Are you still coming over tonight?" 

"Yea I'll be there." 

I'm about to walk away but then an idea comes into my mind, "Caleb?"

He puts his coffee cup down and raises his eyebrows, "Yea?"

"I'm having a few friends over tonight, would you want to come?" I ask and he smiles.

"Yea sure that sounds fun. Just text me your address." He says and takes my phone, putting his number in.

"Cool. Alright well I gotta go before I'm any later but it was nice meeting you Caleb." I say and walk away.

As I walk away I hear the boys get up and start heading out too, I guess my idea to be semi on time sounded smart.

On my way to school I think about all the stuff that's happened these past few days. I made a prank war with Alex, I met Emery and James and became good friends with them, getting a backpack in the process. I met Molly and even if I don't know her very well well I hope to get to know her better, I met Caleb after spilling hot coffee all over him and I met Aiden.

Aiden and I have done a lot in the past few days and I think I'm beginning to consider him as one of my best friends. 

I'm excited for this small party later and getting to know all these new people in my life. I'm not sure what we'll do exactly but I know we'll have a good time.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading! If you enjoyed please vote! 

I'm not very proud of this chapter because it's more a filler chapter than anything but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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