Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"What's taking her so long? Damn that girl is a slow test taker." James groans as he wraps his hands around the back of his neck and throws his head back.

I sigh and pat the ground beside me and he drops his hands and comes over to sit down.

Emery texted James and said that she has to finish a Chemistry test before Mrs. Smith will dismiss her so now me and Mr. Impatient, are waiting for her to come out and take us to get my backpack.

"It's only been ten minutes since she sent you that text." I look at him and he scowls his face causing me to laugh. Although his impatience is slightly irritating its also kind of funny to watch him pace back and forth like we've been out here for hours when in reality we haven't even been out here long enough for me to finish my chapter on the book I'm reading.

"What's that about?" James says, gesturing to my book with raised eyebrows. I'm sure he doesn't really care and is just trying to cure his boredom or fill the awkward silence, or both, but I'm still going to tell him because I think it's a great book and I'd love nothing more than to talk about all my opinions on it. Whether he cares or he doesn't, he is about to get girl talk overload.

I grin really big and shut my book while crossing my legs to get into talking position. "Well, for starters I would like to ask you a simple question." He looks at me with a smug expression before nodding his head telling me to continue.

"How do you feel about love at first sight, do you think it happens? Do you believe that something as powerful as love could be based off of nothing more than the appearance of a random man or woman walking by? Or do you think that love at first sight is just a myth and you can't truly be 'in love' until you've looked into the persons eyes and realize all the memories you've shared and all the happiness they've brought into your life?" He shrugs.

"Never really given it much thought."

"Well what I think is that-" I'm cut off by James' stare focused on something behind me. I'm about to ask him what he's looking at when I'm scared shitless.

"Boogie man!"

I scream and leap behind James who is now laughing hysterically at my near death experience. I put my hand on my heart to make sure it's still in proper rhythm before looking up and seeing a brown haired boy leaning over having a laughing fit.

I stand up and wait a few more seconds for the two idiots in front of me to catch their breath. When the brown haired boy stands up straight I can see him clearly. James stands up and they two do some weird bro hug.

I always though guys have great realationships with each other, better than girls. It seems like girls are drawn to drama and will act on it for five months but guys get pissed off, fight each other and its over. Simple as that.

"You?" I say with venom in my voice, staring into green eyes.

"I prefer to be called Aiden. Unless of course you get the honor to be found naked in my bed you can occasionally call me" he pauses and smirks "other things" He winks and I scoff, shooting a glare his way, he ignores it and sits down on the grass bringing his arm in front of him telling James and I to join him in the grass.

"First of all, eww." I shudder for dramatic effects and he crosses his arms looking amused. "Second of all, why should I sit down next to you?" I cross my arms next and look into his green eyes.

I stare into his eyes for a moment as if daring him to speak, finally my eyes begin to water and I have to blink. I shut my eyes for a split second and once I open them he answers.

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