Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I get out of my car and brace myself for the school day. School wouldn't be too bad if it wasn't so early, snobby people weren't around, teachers were nicer and naps were scheduled between every class. But since that only happens in my daydreams, I have to mentally prepare myself for this boring day.

"Audrey!" A voice calls from behind me. I turn around to see Aiden jogging towards me.

I'm still disgusted about what happened at lunch yesterday but I've had time to get over my annoyance so I decide to greet him back.

"I can wait, no need to run towards me and risk messing up your perfect hair." I joke.

He stands in front of me and smirks, "I'm the captain of the football team, that was nothing." He brags and I roll my eyes.

I begin walking to class and he follows, keeping a steady pace beside me. "I'll meet you at your house tonight so we can study?" He asks and I stop in my tracks.

"I already know how to do math though. You taught me last time we studied." 

He smiles, "Audrey, there are more things to learn. For example, when you skipped yesterday you missed another lesson. You won't pass without my help."

As much as I hate the idea of Aiden coming over again and torturing me with stupid math problems, he's right. Without his help I'm stuck failing math and I can't let that happen, "Fine, you can come over after school and teach me stuff. Just try to do it quicker this time." 

Now it's his turn to roll his eyes, "You aren't exactly easy to teach, or very cooperative so the time we finish is based on how quickly you learn the material."

"The time we finish is based on how quickly you learn the material." I say in a deep voice, mirroring his stance.

I'm not sure why I started mimicking him but it's kinda funny to watch him become aggravated over such a simple thing, so naturally, I keep going.

He laughs but furrows his eyebrows "Are you mocking me?"

"Are you mocking me?" I reply in the same deep voice I used before.

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "You're an overgrown child."

"Oh, you're one to talk." I reply in my normal voice and look up at the clock. We have two minutes to get to class before we're tardy, "This has been a great chat big A but I gotta get to class."

He starts laughing, "Big A?" he laughs again, "You certainly have the big part right."

I give him a confused look. How is it so funny? I just thought it was a nice pet name since both our names start with the same letter and he's taller than I am.

Suddenly his filthy humor dawns on me and I make a disgusted face, "Get your mind out of the gutter Aiden." I say and he smiles.

"I'll see you later Audrey." He says and turns around to go to his class. 

I start walking to my first period class, Geometry. I sit beside a boy who always stares at me and it's really creepy, I never know if I should try to talk to him or not so I just ignore him and hope he isn't plotting my death.

I reach the classroom and put my head down, already done with school. Why can't I go to one of those fun schools that you read about in books and see in movies? Like the ones where everyone bursts into song or they have to solve a mystery about the cafeterias meat. That would be a fun school to go to but instead I'm stuck at this poor excuse for a fun filled school.

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