Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"How are you good at everything!" I groan as I cross my arms. 

Aiden and I have played a total of five games already and he has beat me at all of them. We just finished seeing who could hang on the monkey bars the longest and to no surprise, he won. I can be very competitive if I want to be, right now, I want to be.

He laughs and an idea pops into my head, "I challenge you," he smirks at my words "to go against me to see who can stand on one foot the longest." 

Even though this is a game I once played at recess in second grade, it's the only thing I feel comfortable enough to actually win at. Especially since Aiden is faster, stronger, and in some cases, smarter.

He smirks and takes a step closer, crossing his arms, "I accept your challenge."

I smile at him, "Good. Then we need to go over a few rules." 

He throws his head back and groans, "Who needs rules? Let's just start." 

I huff and shake my head, "All games need rules. Rule 1, we aren't allowed to --" 

"1, 2, 3 Go!" He yells and picks up his right foot, leaving him standing on his left foot. I panic and pick up my foot as well and he smiles.

That jerk! This is one of the cases where he's smarter.

"Too late for rules, the games already started." He smiles and wobbles back and forth trying to keep his balance. 

I'm great at keeping my balance since I did ballet for five years when I was younger, I know I'm gonna win this challenge. 

After about two minutes of us standing on one leg like an ostrich, looking at the other wishing they'd fall, I get bored and pull out my phone so I can play candy crush while I win.

"What are you doing?" He asks but I'm too focused on my game to care about answering him.

These stupid candies, lining up so I can take them down!

He huffs, "Okay then, ignore me." I continue ignoring him while I pop six candies and get a lollipop hammer.

I swipe up and get mad when I realize that was my last move and I just lost the game. Candy crush is another thing I love winning.

My stomach grumbles and Aiden looks up, "Are you hungry?" 

"Hungry for victory, yes." He starts laughing and almost falls over but grabs onto the playground to keep himself upright.

My eyes widen at his obvious cheating and I frown. "That's not allowed!" I yell and point my finger at him.

"No rules Audrey." He keeps his hand on the rail and I scoff. Fine then, I can play a game without any rules. I hop to the slide beside Aiden and lean against it, putting most of my body weight onto the plastic. I cross my arms and smile mischievously causing him to smile and shake his head at my childish behavior.

I don't care if I'm acting like an eight year old, I will win this challenge no matter what.

His phone buzzes and he gets it out and begins typing. While he's distracted I take the shoe off of my foot in the air and throw it at him. 

"Ow!" He yells and drops his foot, rubbing his shoulder where the shoe hit. 

I put my other foot on the ground and jump up and down, pumping my fist in the air. "I win!" I shout at the sky.

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