Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Emery and I make our way back to the table and I sit in the empty chair beside Aiden and James.

"Feel better?" Chelsea asks with a smirk but I ignore her and begin talking to James.

"What are you doing?" I ask while he stares at his phone. 

He looks up at me, "Checking my bank account to make sure I can buy gas on the way home and still have enough to pay my mom back the $200 I owe her."

"You're mom has been doing you some special favors?" Chelsea asks with a small chuckle.

Everyone at the table gives her a look of disgust, "What's wrong with you?" I say and she scoffs.

"Checking my bank account is always fun. I may have enough for a caribbean cruise or maybe its time to sell a kidney, I never know." James says and we all laugh.

Aiden puts his hand on mine, bringing my attention to him, "I'm going to go get some more punch do you want anything?" He asks and I smile but shake my head.

He stands up and Chelsea grabs her cup off the table, "Oh Aiden," He turns around and she holds her cup out for him to take, "I'll have some more punch." 

He shrugs, "I'm sure you can find the table yourself."

I smile and he walks away to get himself something to drink.

Realizing that Aiden is gone, I decide to get up and go with him. Em had a good idea when she told me to go somewhere with him and talk. 

I just can't ignore all the 'what ifs'. Like what if he doesn't want to go? What if I creep him out by asking to go somewhere alone with him.

I shake my head to clear my thought, I can't focus on all that now Audrey.

My eyes scan the yard for Aiden and when I see him, I keep my focus there. 

I stand up and ignore James' 'Where are you going?'

"Aiden?" I grab his arm and he turns around the face me.

He has his cup of punch in his mouth, taking a sip.

I look down at my feet and suddenly become very nervous, "After the wedding do you um..." 

Shit! Why do I suddenly feel so nervous?

"Would you want to..." 

I never get nervous around him, what the hell is happening to me?

He sets his cup down and tilts my chin up to look at him, "Is everything okay?"

I give him a small nod and my eyes flicker to his lips for a short moment before we get interrupted.

"You were right Aiden!" Chelsea shoves in the middle of us, causing his hand to fall from my face and for me to take a step back, "I was able to find it myself."

She grabs a cup and fills it with punch before turning around and giving me a dirty look.

I scoff and make my way back to the table.

Damn it! I should've just told Aiden what I needed to say instead of getting all nervous and tongue tied.

Why the hell does Chelsea always have to be in the middle of everything? 

I flop back down in my chair and cross my arms.

Em sighs and gives me a small smile surely noticing my annoyance.

Aiden sits down a few moments later and Chelsea follows.

"Good afternoon everyone," a woman in a dress says into the microphone, gaining everyones attention.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate this special day with us," she looks over at Adam and April before continuing , "I remember the day April called me on the phone, asking if she could bring a guest over for dinner one night. I told her yes and that Friday night she pulls into the driveway and her and Adam get out of the car."

She smiles and looks down at her feet, "I don't know who I was expecting her 'guest' to be but when I saw him all I could think was 'Damn, I thought it was her girl friend Maggie.'" A few laughters erupt from the crowd and I smile, "They walked up to the door and I let them inside." 

"My husband had a nice meal prepared for all of us and about twenty minutes into dinner, I began to regret my harsh judgments towards him. He proved himself quickly with everything he did. The way he looked at April like she was the only one in the room and smiled at seeing her smile." A few tears escape from her eyes and my heart melts at their story, "No man is ever good enough for your little girl, until one is."

The woman wipes her tears and keeps the smile spread across her face, "You proved yourself to me, my husband and most of all to April. Through thick and thin you've stuck with her, supporting her, helping her through everything when you didn't have to. I'm honored to say I don't think anyone is more right for my daughter." 

The woman smiles at Adam and April and everyone starts clapping.

A few more speeches are made and about an hour later, Adam and April are at the front saying 'I do'.

"Do you, April Vere, take Adam Crache, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

April stands there, holding Adams hands in her own, staring into his eyes with a bright smile on her face, "I do."

The priest smiles and closes the bible, "You may kiss the bride."

Adam leans in and kisses her passionately as the crowd claps and cheers.

I look over at Aiden to see him already staring at me, we sit in silence for a moment just looking at each other.

"That was so romantic!" Em shouts, breaking our thoughtful faces.

I chuckle, "Yea, it was sweet."

Chelsea stands up, "Well that was cute but it's time for me to leave." She grabs her wristlet from the table and walks away.

James stands up too, "I'm gonna go say bye to a few people."

"I'll go with him."

And within a few seconds it was just Aiden and I again.

He turns and looks at me, an unwavering gaze, "What did you have to tell me earlier?"

I know he's referring to my stuttering at the punch bowl and I feel the nervousness creeping up again so I decide to tell him quickly before I chicken out again, "When we drop James and Em off do you want to go somewhere?"

He shrugs, "Sure. Are you hungry?"

I shake my head, "I don't mean to get food. Somewhere we can just talk."

He stares at me for a moment before nodding slowly, "Is everything alright?"

He thinks I'm crazy.

I let out a small chuckle, "Yea, everything's fine."

Oh Aiden, always the protective one.

"Okay." he says simply, "We can go anywhere you want."

This causes me to smile, "I know just the place to go."

A/N: Thanks for reading! 

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