Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After what feels like hours of me messing up and Aiden realizing what I did wrong and correcting it, I finally begin to understand this.

I write some stuff down and look up at him with hopeful eyes and he chuckles and says, "That's right so far but what do you do to to solve it?" 

I smile brightly because I actually know how to answer this, "You use the equation and plug in the 'a' 'b' and 'c' where they go up here and then put them all over 2a."

While I work I can feel his eyes analyzing my every move and once I right the last thing down I drop my pencil on my bed and slide the paper to him so he can check it.

His eyes scan the paper and I literally jump off of the bed to happy dance when he nods, telling me I did it correctly.

I jump up and down while I clap like my hands like you see in the movies. Normally after a girls crush asks her out or she finds out shes getting a puppy she will do the world wide happy dance. But I'm currently doing it because I just got my first math problem correct after two months of failing.

I may be overreacting a little bit but I don't care. Math has never come easy to me but all of that stuff he said not ten minutes ago actually made since to me when an hour ago it was gibberish. 

"You did it." He says with a smile, still sitting in his previous spot on the bed.

I calm down a little bit and stop jumping but the excitement is still bubbling inside of me making a big grin evident. 

"And you thought I couldn't do it." I tease and poke his cheek while he smiles and knocks my hand away.

He moves his legs so his feet are now toughing the floor and his elbows are propped on his knees, he looks up at me, "I never thought that. I knew you could if you just tried."

His words make me happier. He had confidence in me? Of all people Aiden freaking Cage believed I could be successful at math if I contributed a little effort. I hate to say it but he was right. Now that I know how to do them I realize it was never hard to begin with, I was just to lazy to care.

"Plus," he starts, "I'm an awesome teacher." I roll my eyes but keep smiling.

"Thank you." I reply simply and he nods.

I walk over to the nightstand and grab my phone, checking the time. 

After a few moments Aiden jumps up in a panic. He runs over to my dresser and grabs his jacket, throwing it over his shoulder.

"What time is it?" He asks while he puts his shoes on. 

He wanted to get comfy and lay on my bed while we worked but I told him shoes aren't allowed so he kicked them off and sprawled out on my bed.

"It's eight fourty seven."

He shoves his shoe on his foot and ties it quickly before grabbing the other and doing the same.

"Why are you in such a rush?" I ask and he stands up slips his jacket on.

He walks over to the door, "Don't worry about it." And with those words gone from his perfect lips, so is he. 

I just stand there for a second to process what just happened and I hear the front door slam, making me flinch, and only seconds later he's backing out of the driveway.

Why would he just storm out all of a sudden? Did he realize he no longer needs me for extra credit? Does he have to go do something important and if so then why couldn't he tell me about it? Did my happy dance make him uncomfortable?

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