Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Do you think they've been like this all night?"

"Why would they leave the rest of us to come lay by the backdoor?"

"They seem a little close don't you think?"

"Probably because they're cold as crap James!" Someone says and then I hear a smack.


"Be quiet they're waking up!"

I open my eyes to see four of my best friends crowded around me. I go to sit up but something is weighing me down, an arm? 

Suddenly, everything from last night comes flooding back and I know its Aidens arm laying across me. I turn my head and he begins waking up, moving his arm from my waist so he can rub his eyes.

I jump up, feeling uncomfortable being that close to Aiden with all of our friends watching. I rub my hair out of my face and turn to look at them, "How long have you all been awake?"

I ask them as more of a group in general than any individual person, "I woke up first and noticed you were both missing so I woke up Emery who walked by and accidentally kicked James in the head. James tripped over his blanket and fell on Caleb, waking him up." Molly says and I narrow my eyes, nodding my head.

"Right." I say simply, if I got anything out of that story its that I should never go to sleep around these psychos unless I want to wake up with a concussion or a knee in my ribs.

"What the fuck!" Aiden says and stands up, "Are these cheerios?"

Caleb starts laughing and rocks back and forth on his feet, "Fun fact: You sleep with your mouth open."

"So you throw cheerios into my mouth while I sleep?" I laugh and turn to look at an annoyed Aiden who's picking cheerios out of his hair, "Your aim is about as bad as Audreys." He says and looks up at me with a smile.

"Hey!" I laugh and slap his chest, "I'm not that bad!" 

He just laughs and brushes the cheerios off of his shirt.

"Why did you guys get up and leave in the night?" Emery asks and I look over at Aiden.

I don't think he would like me to tell everyone about his sleep walking but I don't want to lie to my friends either, "Someone left the back door open and it was so cold it woke us up. Aiden helped me check the house for burglars but by the time we were done searching the entire house we weren't tired anymore so we just sat here and talked, I guess we fell asleep talking." I shrug.

Okay so I bent the truth a little bit, but most of it was true. 

"Oh." She replies and Aiden reaches down to grab his glass of water from last night, "I don't know about you guys, but I'm hungry." He says and walks to the kitchen, placing his cup in the sink.

We all follow behind him and he starts some pancakes for us all.

I go to check on my grandparents, making sure they got home safe from bingo last night. I'm not sure when they got home but I open their bedroom door to see them both laying in bed sleeping.

I smile at how peaceful they look and shut the door back.

Turning around, I see Emery standing there, "Now that the others aren't listening can you tell me why you and Aiden left the rest of us in the night?" She whispers.

How does she know I was lying earlier? Damn I knew I shouldn't have lied! She probably thinks I'm a terrible friend now.

"I'm sorry I lied to you earlier, but no, I can't tell you." I tell her and she grins.

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