Chapter 29

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Chapter twenty nine

The next morning I'm woken up due to the impact of something cold landing on my face.

"Bulls eye!" I pick the slice of cheese off of my face and open my eyes expecting to see Alex standing there but instead I'm met with an amused Aiden.

Well, Alex is in the room too but I know Aiden threw the cheese because I can see him slowly putting the wrapper in his back pocket.

I furrow my eyebrows at him and he shrugs with a grin.

"Sorry Audrey, he knocked on the front door and we let him in." Michelle says with a smile.

"And showed him where we keep the cheese." Mason adds and they all laugh.

"You guys are hilarious," I say sarcastically and try to hide my smile.

I look at my phone and the time reads 7:43 a.m.

I groan and shove my face in my pillow. How is he such a morning person?!

Aidens footsteps get closer to me before the pillow is gently lifted from my face and he leans down, placing a hand on either side of my head and hovering over me.

"Get up, we're going to go get breakfast and I have something to show you."

Something to show me?

I guess he can see my worried expression because he laughs and adds, "Calm down Audrey, you'll be fine."

The twins walk out and Alex stands there looking at us with narrowed eyes.

"You can back away now Aiden, I believe I told you to always stand at least two feet away from her."

He crosses his arms and Aiden smirks and looks down at my lips, clearly remembering our kiss last night and how he was certainly closer than two feet.

His eyes trail up to meet mine before leaning back and lifting his hands from their previous caged position around my head and Alex smiles successfully and walks out.

I think it's cute Alex is playing the protective brother role towards Aiden. He must not have discussed that rule before the sleepover though considering Aiden and I were obviously closer than two feet.

Aiden just stands there as I get out of bed, "I need to get dressed."

He smirks and I cross my arms as he just stands there waiting for me to continue, "You're not bothering me." he adds and I shake my head.

"Leave," I tell him and point to the door before he frowns and walks out.

I quickly throw on a pair of skinny blue jeans and a dark gray crop top catches my eye from its current position sticking out of the top of my dresser. My dresser mostly has crop tops while all my shirts are hanging up in my closet since they get worn more often.

I quickly throw it on and grab and my pair of gray converse, slipping them on. I run a brush through my hair and run downstairs to meet everyone else.

Aiden is sitting on the couch listening to Michelle talk about her baby doll.

It's a doll we got about two years ago wearing a light blue dress that has glitter falling at the bottom. She adores the baby and I'm not surprised to see her telling Aiden all about it.

Michelle sees me standing at the bottom of the stairs and stops talking, causing Aiden to turn around and look at me.

His eyes trail down my body for a moment before he brings his eyes back up to meet mine with a grin on his face. Undoubtedly due to my exposed stomach.

I roll my eyes and walk over to them, "Ready?" he asks and I nod.

We make our way out the front door and to his car, "Where are we going?"

He ignores my question but shoots me a small smile.

After about ten minutes of driving he pulls into the parking lot of Funky Town Roadhouse.

It's a small restaurant most people have to take a bunch of back roads to get to. I look at him with disbelief evident on my face and he just smiles knowingly and gets out of the car.

He walks around to my side and we walk inside together. It's more crowded than it looked from the parking lot and one of the first things I notice is the music.

'90s songs are playing through the small, crowded room.

The floor has a bunch of black and red checkered tiles and all the workers are wearing roller skates.

Aiden leads me to a table towards a window and I see another parking lot behind the building that's practically full of cars. That must be where all these people parked considering almost all the tables are filled but there were only six other cars parked out front.

A woman who looks about forty years old skates up to us with a notepad.

Her eyes meet Aidens and she smiles, "Well if it isn't Aiden Cage," she grins and puts her hands on her hips.

He smiles up at her and stands up to give her a hug, "It's been a long time Janice."

"Too long!" she says back, her voice high pitched but not in an annoying way.

He pulls back from the hug and Janices eyes move from him to me, the smile still present on her face when she leans into Aiden and says, "And who is this beautiful girl you brought with you today?"

I blush and Aiden smiles proudly, "Her name is Audrey, I wanted to take her out and give her a bit of an insight on things."

Janice smiles, "You haven't been here in almost a year boy. I remember when you and Samantha used to come in here and do karaoke together every Tuesday night."

My smile drops slightly at the mention of Samantha. Is that his ex girlfriend? Did he take me to him and his ex girlfriends favorite place?

I shake my head at my own thoughts, he wouldn't do that.

Aiden laughs lightly, "Yea, she used to love to sing."

Janice shakes her head, "She was good too! Unlike her big brother who couldn't sing his ABCs on tune." she says and he laughs.

So Samantha is his little sister?

Aiden sits back down in his seat across from me and Janice pulls a pen from her apron pocket, "What would you like to order Audrey?"

Suddenly all the attention is on me and I realize I've been too busy watching them to even look at the menu.

I give her a small smile, "I need a minute, sorry."

She nods, "That's perfectly fine hon take as long as you need."

Janice puts her pen back in her pocket and walks away.

My eyes scan the menu seeing everything from from eggs and bacon to a steak sandwich.

"So you've been here before." I tell Aiden as more of a statement than a question, causing him to nod.

"Yea it was always my sisters favorite place to go, she'd look forward to coming here all week. It was kinda a tradition her and I shared."

I see banana pancakes and decide that's what I want, "But you don't come here anymore?"

He looks down at his hands and I close my menu so Janice will know we're ready.

"Not for a long while."

I nod, "Did she get tired of it?" I ask captivated on knowing more about him.

His green eyes shoot up to meet mine, they're full of hurt, pain and I instantly regret asking.

"Audrey," he looks down at his hands again and closes his eyes for a moment before bringing his bottom lip between his teeth and letting out a breath.

I sit there patiently waiting for him to continue and he looks back up at me, "Samantha is dead."

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