Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Hot, everything's hot. I look around and all I see is a cloud of black smoke. I can't breathe.

I run as fast as I can through the house, seeing my father in the distance. I try to call out to him, but he isn't listening. He can't hear me? I run to him, trying to ask him all the things I never could before. I get closer, almost at arms length. I reach out to touch him, and I start falling, trying to grab anything I can but all I see is darkness around me.

"No, this can't... this isn't happening. No!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Fawn. Am I boring you?" I hear a deep voice call out my name, waking me from my nightmare, and I instantly know who it is.

I open my eyes, moving my wavy brown hair out of my face and the first thing I see is a girl with shoulder length blonde hair looking at me with her dark brown eyes full of sympathy. She gives me a small smile and turns to the teacher again. I raise my head and see twenty-four pairs of eyes on me. I look at Mr. Williams and mutter a sorry, but honestly I don't feel remorse even the slightest bit.

Mr. Williams must have decided to let me off the hook because he stares at me for another moment before turning around, but not before muttering something along the lines of: stupid, kids, ungrateful, hate job, wife.

That man needs to find himself a dog. He's to bitter to ever get a woman so a dog is the next option on the list of how to not be lonely forever.

Glancing at the clock I notice we only have a few minutes left so I start packing up and wait for the bell to grant my freedom.

I shove my binder into my light pink backpack, and become disappointed when it won't fit. It fit earlier so I figure if I just keeping shoving it's sure to zip up eventually, right? I keep pulling and break the zipper, just to have a little piece of the metal fly off and hit the girl beside me.

I contemplate taking the blame for my mistake or just turning my head and beginning to whistle like I don't know anything about the zipper that just flew through the air and happened to slap her on the neck.

I decided against playing dumb and turn to face her, "I'm sorry. I couldn't get my bag to zip up so I kept pulling and you took the damage." I give her an apologetic smile and she looks down at her shoulder, grabbing the small zipper and setting it on her desk.

"It's okay. Why wouldn't your binder fit? If you need a new backpack I know a place with lots of bags. They have anything from clutches to suitcases. We could go there after school if you wanted to? Its where I got mine." I sit up and tilt my head a little so I can admire her backpack. It's light blue with golden sparkles on it and four pockets total. It's cute, but not a bag I could see myself having.

"I'm not sure why it wouldn't fit. It fit this morning." I start digging in my backpack to see what was at the bottom causing my binder to break my backpack. I pull up my hand to find pieces of crumpled up paper. I unwad the sheets to see a drawing of Mr. Williams with a dorky face and I chuckle.

I remember now that before I fell asleep I was bored so I started doodling, then wanted to prove to myself that I'm an artist so I began drawing very detailed dragons and cranky English teachers. All that drawing made me tired so I stuffed the artwork in my bag and decided to take a nap.

A nightmare and broken zipper later and here I am, pulling drawings out of my bag while some girl with a sparkly blue backpack watches me.

"What is that?" She takes the paper from my hands and looks at it, admiring all the little details before bursting into a laughing fit causing us to get a glare from Mr. Williams.

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