Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"I'm not watching Mean Girls."  Aiden tells James while we set up our beds in the floor.

"I like it." Emery says and James points to her, showing Aiden how its two against one.

Of all the movies James had to choose from he picked a teenage girl classic. I love the movie and it's funny watching Aiden and Caleb gripe about it so I feel like its a win-win.

"It's a great movie, I think you'll like it." Molly shrugs and Aiden glares at her.

"We're watching Mean Girls whether you like it or not." James says and Caleb throws a pillow at him but he doesn't budge, he just flips Caleb the bird making him laugh and shake his head.

"Do you have anymore blankets?" Emery asks, "We only have four." 

"I don't think so, you can check the laundry room if you want, it's down the hall on the left." I tell her and she puts her pillow down and gets off her knees to stand up.

We have a line of six pillows arranged in the floor in front of the TV. I don't care if I have to share a blanket as long as I get a good view of the movie.

Emery comes back and holds her hands in the air telling me she didn't fine anything.

I sigh, "Four people are going to have to share a blanket." 

"Emery and I can share one, I don't mind." Molly says and grabs a blanket.

"Can you two share?" I ask Caleb and Aiden.

Aiden shakes his head, "Its different if girls share a blanket cause their smaller and smell nice, I won't be stuffed under a blanket with Caleb all night."

I laugh at his observation of girls and nod in understanding, "Okay then. Caleb and I can share." 

I grab a blanket and throw it down beside Molly. Aiden looks like he's about to say something but closes his mouth instead and goes to get his own blanket.

Walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water, I see Alex, "Hey, I thought you went to bed." 

"I did but I got back up for a glass of water." He says and takes a sip of his cup.

"Oh." I grab a cup from the cabinet and fill it with ice.

"So you and Caleb are gonna be all snuggled up tonight?" He asks with amusement evident in his voice.

I fill my cup with water and turn around to see Alex trying to hide his grin by taking another sip of water, "We're just friends." I laugh and he nods.

"Mhmm..." He sets his cup down and walks over to me, "Goodnight Audrey." He says and gives me a hug.

While he's hugging me I put my hand in my ice water to get it cold before I touch the back of his neck, "Oh shi--" He starts but I give him a look that makes him stop, "That was cold!" 

"That was the point." I laugh, "Goodnight Alex." I say and pat his back, too scared that if I try hugging him again he'll try getting me back.

"Goodnight I guess." He says and walks away rubbing the back of his neck for warmth.

I laugh and make my way to the living room. When I get in there everyone is already laying down, a spot is saved for me between Molly and Caleb.

My spot is right in front of the TV and I smile to myself, Emery is the first one laying down, then Molly, me, Caleb, Aiden, and James is last.

I step over my pillow and lie in the floor, "Here." Caleb says and lifts the blanket so I can get under it easier without laying on it.

I slide under and lie my head down on my pillow, letting him drop the blanket on me. He turns to watch the movie again and I see Aiden looking at me past Calebs head.

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