Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

We just sit there in silence, drowning in our own thoughts while we eat ice cream.

My eyes roam the refrigerator with all the gifts we've made over the years and I smile to myself, knowing these items are forever and can never die. Each hand turkey or family photo all hold a memory and I love the fact that just because it's over doesn't mean we can't be glad that it happened. 

"What are you thinking about?" Aiden asks and I turn my eyes away from the photos to face him. His face is curious and he seems like he's been studying me for a while, trying to decipher the unspoken thoughts I have in my mind.

I look down at the red and white rug between my legs, "Nothing." 

I can still feel Aidens eyes burning a hole into the side of my head like he's trying to figure out something. Trying to figure out me? 

"Lets play a game." 

My eyes shoot up at his words, "What kind of game?" For some reason I don't feel like he's talking about chutes and ladders.

He places his spoon inside the tub of ice cream and turns to face me, "20 questions. I'll go first."

Even though I never agreed to play this he's still focused on thinking of a question so what type of person would I be to burst his bubble and refuse to play? A bad person and Audrey Fawn is a good girl so there will be no bubble bursting in this kitchen.

"What's your biggest fear?" He asks and picks up his spoon for another mouthful of cookie dough goodness. 

Unless fictional monsters you can find on netfllix count then I don't know what I'm scared of. I've never really thought much about it. Snakes and spiders scare me but I don't think they'd be my biggest fear.

I think for a few more seconds before I finally decide what I'm terrified of, "Being alone."

Could you imagine waking up one morning by yourself? Walking down the driveway to check the mail and not seeing a single car because everyone has left you. Checking an empty mailbox because nobody showed up for work that morning to deliver it. Not having anyone to talk to or a family to make dinner for.

I have chills just thinking about it

He looks at me for a short moment before saying, "I thought you would say something cheesy like you're biggest fear is the dark." 

Everyone knows the dark itself isn't scary, what you come across in the dark is the real issue. 

"Favorite candy?" I ask and he answers instantly.

"Twix, definitely." I nod and he puts his thinking face on for my next question.

He smirks before asking, "Whats your body count?"

"What do you mean?"

He laughs lightly, "How many people have you slept with?" 

"Oh. I thought you saw my basement." I joke.

"What!?" His face fills with surprise and he chokes on his ice cream. I start laughing at his sudden change of expression and near death experience.

"Kidding!" I yell and he calms down.

If he actually thinks I'm capable of murder then clearly he doesn't know me at all. The twins caught lightning bugs once and put them in a jar to be a nightlight but I set an alarm to go let the bugs free when the twins fell asleep. I could never hurt anyone, for the most part. I can make exceptions for certain people.

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