Chapter Forty-Seven*BARGAINING

Começar do início

"Bro, good to see you!" Ade chuckled and hugged me.

"I promise I'm going to have a long catch up with you all, but right now we have a mission, fill me in on everything you have." They all nodded and started to fill me in with the search. 10 minutes into the conversation and flipping through some case files they put together, Juliet walked back into the room.

"Guys, Alexandra is back." Following everyone into the other room, I stopped mid tracks as I watched my baby.

Alex's P.O.V

Laying on the floor, I starred at the projection of Nikas death repeating itself. I don't know how many times I've watched it but I couldn't find myself moving my gaze, or body in that case.

What seemed liked hours, I finally woke up from the trance I was in. I could hear Mack's voice echoing in my head to get up and plan my next move. I could hear my father's voice telling me to watch my back and I could hear my mother telling me, no reminding me who I am.

"your name is Alexandra Phoenix Hunter, my army baby." I whispered to myself 3 times. "MY NAME IS ALEXANDRA PHOXNIX HUNTER, THEIR ARMY BABY." I screamed at the top of my lungs. With that I got up and dragged my body to the wall. Holding myself up I looked around at the room. There were broken chair remains all over the place, shattered glass and computer screens.

"You are not dead, Alex, you are not dead. They are not dead, everyone is fine." I reassured myself.

Chuckling erupted from the speakers placed near the ceiling.

"Oh Alexandra, they're all dead. And you will be soon too." Olinksey ugly raspy voice spoke calmly.

"NO THEY'RE NOT." I screamed back at him.

"You've watched the video many number of times, they're all gone." He spoke with broken English, dumb Russian cunt.

"what do you want? You want an apology? Want me to beg?"

"I see you've recognised the next stage, bargaining?" he replied.

"you will never catch me begging you for anything, or apologising." I laughed back.

"It's okay, you will soon."


"good plan, I think it's time to strap you back down." With that the door unlocked and 3 men walked in. Oh, it's time for some fun.

I locked eyes with them and smiled. Running towards the centre of the room, I launched myself at a piece of broken wood. Grabbing it and I pointed it towards them all and planned my attack.

Blake's P.O.V

"Oh shit, it's about to go down." Ade broke the silence.

"She's got this." Mack replied quickly.

"First step, plan your attack." I spoke out the stages we were taught.

Alex's P.O.V

The first guy ran towards me, ducking his punch I swung my weapon and went straight for his head, causing him to go flying down. The second guy followed him. Blocking his punch with my right wrist I jumped up on his knee and kicked him in his face. Running towards the other guy I jumped up and wrapped both of my legs around his neck. Using all my strength I twisted my body and threw him off. The other two got back up. I ran towards the first guy and fell to the floor allowing my leg to trip him up, getting back up I used my left elbow to hit the next guy.

I ran towards some old rope in the corner and picked it up. One of the guys hurled himself at me and went in for a punch, I had already planned this so I wrapped the rope around his arm, disabling the arm. I then kicked his lower leg, punched him and twisted the rope so it was now around his neck. Pulling it he dropped to the floor. letting go of the rope I kicked the other guy where the sun doesn't shine, causing him to double over in pain. I knew the last guy was just about to attack me from behind as I could hear my father's words still echoing. Twisting my body to the left, I picked up my left leg and swung it around kicking the last guy in the throat. Facing towards him I picked up my right leg and kicked him. Finishing him off with a very hard punch to the eye. All three of the guys were now on the floor.

The Army BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora