Chapter 6

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Mia POV:

Come on Ethan. We're going to be late! "Mooommm" He whined "do I really have to wear this?" I looked at the adorable outfit. He had a button up shirt with khakis and dock martins and a fedora hat on top. "Baby, you look so handsome." He whined some more. "Uhhh, mooommm." I just chuckled. "Look, I'll bring a change of clothes for when we are done with lunch. Okay?" He pouted but nodded his head.

We hopped into my Tesla model s. It's a great car. I have a GMC Denali as well but I rarely use it unless we are leaving the city. Nathan's parents house isn't too far, about a 45min drive. We got to the gate and I paged in, "Ms. Mia Constantine, Mr. and Mrs. Williams are expecting me." The gate opened and I drove in parking my car by the front door. I'm mentally telling myself to take deep breaths. I don't know why I ever agreed to this, especially since Mrs. Williams is not a nice woman. At least Nathan's father is kind. He adores Ethan and it shows.

We got out of the car and before we could even knock Gary, Nathan's dad answered. "Hey Mia, and hello Ethan." I smiled. "Hello Mr. Gary!" My Son chirped. "Come on, Ethan I have a surprise to show you." Gary said enthusiastically. "Yay! I love surprises!" With that they both headed for the stairs and left me standing in the hallway. "Great." I murmured to myself. Then I heard the click clack of heels. "Hello, Mia." Lois said. "Hello, Mrs. Williams." She sighed. "You can call me Lois, Mia." That's a first.

She signaled me to follow her into the parlor, yes I said parlor. That's what she calls it. I call it an extra living room that is unnecessary, but that's just me. We sat down across from each other. "So I heard you were at my event Friday night?" Wait what? "Umm, I didn't know it was your event. My boss Mr. Knight was unavailable last minute so as the VP of the company he asked me to take his place." She raised her eyebrow. "You're VP at Knight Enterprise?" I gave her a duh look, "Yes, I've been VP for the past two years now."

"And how do you handle that job, while raising a child on your own? Huh?" Now I was getting offended, "I handle it just fine actually! I have a gre...." but before I could finish I heard the front door slam and someone yelling. "What the hell?" Lois glared. "Language!" I rolled my eyes. "Mom!!!!dad!!!!!" Oh no, oh no. Lois jumped up and headed towards the hallway. "What are you doing here Nathan?"

I peeked through the hallway to see what was going on, Nathan is not suppose to be here. I wanted to run upstairs but Nathan would catch me. I noticed Nathan had a picture in his hand, "tell me mom! Who is this? Do you even know!" Lois looked at the picture and sighed. "Gary, get down here!" Oh no, please don't bring Ethan with you. But nope I'm not that lucky. Gary strolls down with Ethan in his arms. "What is going on....." Then he looked at Nathan with shock. "What are you doing here son?"

Nathan stared at our son in Gary's arms. He looked mad but then you saw a different expression in his face. Pain, sadness, confusion maybe all three. "I was about to ask you who this was." He said holding up the picture of Ethan, "but apparently you already know!" Ethan was staring at Nathan with curiosity. I can't just stand here.

I walked in and grabbed Ethan out of Gary's arms. "I think we should go." Gary was about to argue but stopped when he saw the anger in Nathan's face. "Very well, but could we reschedule, please?" He whispered to me and I just nodded. "Mommy, I don't want to go! Gary got me a train set and we were putting it together." He said with a pout. "I know baby, maybe another day okay?" He pouted again but after my stern look he finally nodded.

I was holding Ethan and grabbed my bag. I headed for the door when Nathan grabbed my arm. "We need to talk Mia." He seethed out. I pulled my arm away and just nodded. I won't argue with him in front of my child. Yes, my child! Nathan gave up all rights to Ethan before he was even born.

My Unwanted ChildOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz