Chapter 24

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Nathan POV:

After the custody battle, everything fell apart in my life.  Bianca was my only rock.  Some how she made it to 37 weeks and our baby girl was born healthy as can be.  Her parents were happy for their daughter and granddaughter,  but not with me.  I decided I didn't want to know if she was mine or not,  I was gonna marry Bianca anyway. 

Mia got married.  She married Benjamin, no big lavish wedding like Bianca is planning, no a simple small destination wedding with only close friends and family.  No paparazzi, no big announcement.  But they did share a few photos to the public and of course she looked gorgeous, like a Queen and he looked smug as can be that he got her,  Shortly, after the tabloids announced that Benjamin adopted Ethan  and the kicker, Mia was also expecting.  Apparently, they are just all one big happy family with my kid. 

I don't know how the court case ended up being a live case when it was suppose to be a closed private case.  Benjamin, I'm sure.  He knew what he was doing.  According to my lawyer it was out of his hands.  He said that's why he was pushing for Ethan to be there because then it would not have been live with a minor testifying,  I should have told him I was his dad when I had the chance.  When I had him at my beach house.  Which is gone, as well as my penthouse and most my cars. 

My dad took a big hit when that custody battle came out,  a lot of clients pulled out,  then he had no choice but to fire me.  He told me he couldn't let the company he built on integrity be dragged down anymore because of me.  Father of the year, even when I rewatch that day I can't help but watch my father looking at me with disgust and shame but watching Mia with pride.  He may have been sitting with me but it was obvious whose side he was on. 

After everything, my dad asked for a divorce from my mom too.  Of course the business was going belly up at the time so my mom barely got anything.  He just cut ties with his family.  At least my mom is still behind me.  With all my loses and my mother getting peanuts from the divorce we had no choice but to move to Brooklyn. 

Bianca isn't happy, she's been staying with her parents in Manhattan with our girl Laila.  I've been trying to find a job, but it's been difficult.  The media is still bringing me up every time they talk about the power couple, Mia and Benjamin.  Did I mention that she's now CEO,  the bastard decided to retire and promoted Mia.  Apparently, he has no kids and chose the "most deserving" as he stated. 

I'm driving to manhattan now to see Bianca and my baby.  As I pull in I notice a medical van, not an ambulance,  I've never seen.  I ignore it as I hop out and into the house. I knock and Bianca's dad answers which a scowl,  "come in" I know things are on the fence with all of us, but I stepped up and took care of Bianca when she needed me, you would think they would have my back. 

I see Bianca in the couch with our baby.  And then I notice some other guy,  what the hell.  Bianca is blonde but not natural, really brownish hair I think with brown eyes, our daughter has blue eyes like me but blonde and I have brown hair but who knows with genetics.  The guy on the couch looks like a Ken doll.  Blonde hair and blue eyes.  Then I notice them swabbing our babies mouth. 

"What's going on?"  Bianca looks over with a smile,  "you always wanted a DNA test, well, that's what I'm doing."  I took a few deep breaths.  "And who is this?"  I pointed to the Ken doll,  "oh, you don't recognize him?  He's a model, what is it Calvin Klein or is it Prada now that you are the face of, I believe it was Macys catalogue when we met.  I must say, you've really done well."   I took another deep breath.  "God Nathan, I thought you'd be happy, come here and get swabbed.  They will have the results in less then an hour."

This is bullshit.  She is mine.  I took care of Bianca, she swore I was the only one she was with in two years.  I was there for her when she needed me, I gave up my girl and my son for her. 

My Unwanted Childजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें