Mapping Your Heart

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Emily unlocked the apartment door and dropped her bags in the hallway. She carried the ukulele and violets into her bedroom.

Max sprawled in a patch of sun on her bed. He lifted his head when she put the instrument down beside him. "Sorry to disturb you," she said as she scratched his belly.

Then she went to the window and opened the curtains wider to let more of the golden late afternoon sunshine in. She lifted the window and set the little terracotta pot next to the screen. "I know it's not Jersey but I hope you like your new home."

Her phone chimed and she pulled it from beneath her bra strap. There was a link from Evan. She clicked on it to listen to James Taylor sing "You've Got a Friend" while she retrieved her other bags from the hallway.

Emily hummed along as she sat down with her backpack at her desk, and pulled out the envelope of money her father had given her this morning. When she opened her drawer to put it away safely, she was shocked to see the tattered envelope of the money she had already collected, and two birthday cards. One featured her Grandfather's distinctive print and the other was clearly her Mom's elegant cursive handwriting.

She opened the card from her Pop first. Five hundred dollars waited in the envelope with the added warning, "Remember – NO SMOKING!"

Next she tore open the one from her Mother. Emily's eyes began to water when she saw the remaining money she needed to go away to Connecticut. She read, "Dear Emily – I know I can be extremely strict and demanding. I want you to know that it's not because I don't believe in you or trust you. The reason I hold on too tight is because I'm terrified of seeing you get hurt by the cruelties of this world. But I know the greatest pain you could ever have would be if I held you back from pursuing your dreams. Just remember that you (and your brother) are the best thing I have ever done and will ever do. You are my happiness! - Love, Mom"

Emily closed the drawer and wiped her eyes. She picked up her phone again. She typed and sent.

I love you Mom! Thank you!

Then she pulled her navy sweater from her bookbag, followed by her copy of 'St. Augustine's Confessions' and her laptop. She put on the sweater and opened the book. She turned to the highlighted quote and copied what she now knew would inspire her new term paper.

"And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the broad tides of the rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, yet pass over the mystery of themselves without a thought."

Before her fingers could empty her heart onto the screen, her phone interrupted her again. She answered the call from her best friend.

As always, Jenny didn't bother saying hello. "Rumor has it that there will be a pop quiz in chemistry tomorrow."

Emily smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be ready."

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