The Calm Before

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Jenny arrived at exactly seven, wearing a chevron-printed blue dress with espadrille sandals.

"Nice outfit," Emily complimented.

Jenny looked over Emily's ribbon belted black shorts, white tank top and black cork-soled wedges. She nodded approvingly. "Simple, but very cute."

"That's me in a nutshell." Emily rolled her eyes and laughed.

Both girls took their places behind the check-in table in the front lobby. They greeted their history teacher, Mrs. Cobello, who stood waiting to check student ids.

Jenny turned back towards Emily. "I called you earlier, but it went straight to voicemail." She accepted money from a pair of teens and added it to the cash box.

Emily ripped off two paper bracelets and applied them to the outstretched wrists. "I shut my phone off."

Jenny didn't look back at her as she counted out change for the next person. "Why?"

"I got a text from Evan, and I think that, whatever it was with him... I... I think it's over," Emily stammered as she struggled to peel the wax paper off of the sticky end of the next bracelet. She looked up at the junior waiting in front of her. "Sorry."

The frowning girl snatched the bracelet from Emily and put it on by herself with a huff. Jenny glanced over and reached out to steady Emily's quaking hands.

"I'll be okay." Emily said, with a small shake of her head to her friend.

Jenny smiled. "I know you will."

They had little time to talk after that, as a steady stream of people passed through the hallway to pay and head upstairs to the gym.

It wasn't hard work, but it kept Emily's mind just active enough to neglect fretting over Evan.

I find the repetition of peeling and applying wristbands soothing...

She only looked up once when Geoff and Peter came in. She gave them a brief greeting and then tucked her head back down to continue her work. Peter hovered nearby for a minute. Emily watched him pace a little. He came toward her a couple times with his mouth open.

I know he wants to say something to me... Ignore him and he'll give up...

So she did, and soon Peter disappeared into the background once more. Emily let the murmur of the crowd and the distant drum of the bass coming through the ceiling lull her back into a more complete and comforting daze.

Maybe ten minutes later, on the edge of her mind she heard Mrs. Cobello say, "New Jersey huh? Well boys, that certainly is a long way to come for a high school dance!"

Emily lifted her eyes to find Kelly and John getting their school identification cards back from her teacher.

John pointed at a now beaming Emily. "That's my sister."

They handed their money to Jenny, who said a quick hello, and then they stepped over to Emily.

"Happy Birthday Em!" John said as he leaned in for a hug and his wristband.

Then Kelly followed, but when he embraced her, he brushed his lips against her ear and whispered, "I told you..."

She glanced at the clock. "My shift is over in five minutes. I'll meet you guys upstairs." She gestured toward the stairwell.

Jenny watched the boys push through the swinging doors. "Goodbye Evan and hello Kelly!"

Emily bit her top lip and looked down to tear off the next bracelet

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