- Sunday, May 29th - Dreamtime

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Emily dreamt that night.

It started on the boardwalk at Coney Island. Imagine Dragons' "Smoke and Mirrors" played somewhere, so she decided to go into the Hall of Mirrors.

She looked into one of the frames expecting to see her reflection, but saw Evan instead.

He was in the maze somewhere too.

She called out but he didn't answer. So she searched throughout the entire hall, but no matter where she looked she couldn't find him. Then she started to panic until she found the exit.

Once outside it was nighttime and she was on the sand in front of the ocean. Yet she knew by the shape of the dunes and the shoreline that it was the beach in Jersey now, not Coney Island.

"Sink to the Bottom" by Fountains of Wayne played and she spotted Kelly.

He was floating on a surfboard very far out in the water.

She started to swim to him but the riptide took her and no matter how hard she swam she couldn't get to him or back to the shore.

She was certain that she was going to drown. But just before she swallowed a mouthful of saltwater, a chime sounded.

She woke up.

"What the hell was that about?"

Emily rubbed her hands all over her face, until
she was alert enough to realize the chiming sound was actually an incoming text on her phone.

She rolled over and picked it up. It was from Evan. She smiled as she read.

Good morning Emily. I'd love to hang out with you at some point today. What are your plans?

Emily wrote back.

Good morning Evan Murphy. My only plans are working on a term paper for school and kissing you.

Probably a bit too much...

She erased kissing and changed it to seeing and sent that.

It's already nine in the morning!

Emily tapped on Jenny's name and listened to the phone ring.

One ring and sent to voicemail?

Emily hung up without leaving a message.

She typed.

911! So much stuff to talk to you about!

The ellipses that meant Jenny was responding popped up right away and a few seconds later her bubble popped up.

Can't. Church.

Emily forgot that it was Sunday.

Jenny's parents always make her go to church on Sunday morning...

Ok. Later.

Then she rolled onto her back and closed her eyes again.

I can't believe that I had made out with two gorgeous boys in the matter of a couple hours! And those kisses were good... really good...

She put a pillow over her face and squealed into it while she kicked her legs onto the mattress.

I have to tell someone about this...

Her next go-to after Jenny was always Alex so she shot off a quick text.

Made out with two hot guys yesterday - not at the same time. I'm not that wild yet! Too much to type. Can't wait to tell you all about it.

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