Game Time

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Dinner wracked Emily's nerves. She squirmed while John discussed Kelly's impending arrival with their father over pork chops.

I was hoping that I'd be able to leave before Kelly gets to the house... But it doesn't seem like that will happen...

Suzanne looked to Emily, seeming ready to discuss something other than cars. "So Emily what do you plan on doing while the three of them tinker with the brakes?"

Emily shoveled a fork full of spinach in her mouth which stalled her answer for a minute. Then she swallowed and Suzanne cocked her head expectantly at her.

"Well, I'm actually going out with Evan at eight."

Suzanne clutched the necklace by her throat, father shook his head and her brother stopped cutting his meat.

"You're kidding right? Does Kelly know?"

Emily stood up and picked up her plate. She turned away to hide her scowl and dumped her uneaten portion into the trash. She tried to keep her voice neutral.

"No. You guys have plans to work on his car and Evan asked me to go out. I don't see what the big deal is. Kelly's not my boyfriend. I don't have to ask for permission or even tell him."

"Don't give me that crap Emily!" John barked at her back.

Their father interjected. "Whoa, whoa, easy John! That's your sister you're cursing at."

"She's my sister, but he's my best friend," John said to their father.

Emily put her plate in the sink and turned to face the table. She crossed her arms. John stabbed his knife into his meat and then placed his palms flat on either side of his plate. He lowered his voice.

"He really likes you Em. The least you can do is tell him that you aren't going to be here later. He assumed he was going to hang out with you after he did his brake pads."

"Well, you know what they say about assuming."

I don't want to sound so nasty... It's just my go-to when I get defensive... I know I'm totally botching this situation...

She uncrossed her arms.

"When Kelly gets here I'll tell him in person. Happy?"

"Not exactly."

John scrubbed his hands across his face and Emily scampered out of the kitchen while his eyes were covered.

She shut her bedroom door and put on her 'Gotta Dance' playlist. It began with David Bowie. Emily sang along.

"Let's dance! Put on your red shoes and dance the blues..."

Well If you insist Mr. Jones...

She put on her black circle skirt, an Arctic Monkeys ringer tee and the red Cons she had laid out earlier.

"Let's dance! For fear tonight is all..."

With a red bandana tied around her hair like a headband, she looked at the makeup lined up on her dresser in order of necessity. Emily went down the row, using each product the way the woman at Sephora had taught her last year.

"Because my love for you, would break my heart in two..."

Red lipstick was the last thing to complete her look. The knock on her door came just as she finished applying it. She lowered the volume on The Kinks, who just invited her to "Come Dancing' and took a deep breath before she opened it.

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