Lab Period

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For the first time all year, Emily actually looked forward to chemistry lab. It was the only class she had with Jenny that day and would give them a chance to talk.

Despite their teacher circling the room to look over their work, Emily knew they should still be able to tell each other a bit of what happened this weekend.

Jenny was already in the lab gathering supplies when Emily rushed in.

"Hey where were you this morning?" Emily settled onto the stool while she put on her safety goggles.

"Charlotte's friend Sarah let me ride in her car with them this morning. Tina was out sick so they had room," explained Jenny.

"Well, that's good. Not that Tina is sick but that they gave you a ride. So the party went well?" Emily pried.

Jenny gave no response as she focused intently on the acrid solution she was measuring into a beaker.

"The pictures you posted looked like it was fun," Emily observed while she tested the Bunsen burner filling the room with sulfur stink of gas before the flame caught.

Jenny answered distractedly, "Um yeah... you know. I was nervous at the start. But it was... fun by the end. Never mind about me though. You had a lot going on this weekend. Alex and Evie went on and on during art about the pictures you showed them this morning."

Emily recounted as much as she could for Jenny in hushed tones. She tried not to mix anything incorrectly and blow them to kingdom come while she dreamily described the features of each boy. However when class ended Emily had only covered a portion of what she wanted to tell her best friend. And so far Jenny had only listened, not offered any advice.

"I'll tell you the rest at lunch," Emily decided.

"You can't," Jenny announced. "I'm not going to lunch. I have to go see Father Leo about getting an extension for my term paper. I didn't finish it this weekend."

Emily reassured her, "You never turn anything in late. I'm sure he won't have a problem with it. I can tell you the rest after school."

Jenny glanced at the hallway clock at the wall above them.

"That won't work either. I'm getting a ride home later too and then I have to finish my paper before my parents find out I asked for an extension."

What Jenny is saying makes complete sense, but it feels like something else is going on... Like something is wrong....

Emily watched as her best friend took her glasses off to fidget with them. "Are you okay Jen?"

"I'm fine," Jenny dismissed Emily's concern breezily. Then she cleaned her glasses and replaced them on her face. "You know how it is at the end of the year getting ready for finals and regents."

Jenny glanced at the clock again. With no bells at NDA, since the school worked on a twenty minute mod system instead of traditional periods, the girls needed to keep their eye on the time.

We're both going to be late for our next classes if we don't start moving...

They walked down the hallway. Emily sighed. "Well, it doesn't matter really about either guy since I'm not going back anyway."

Jenny stopped and grabbed Emily's arm. "You have to go back! You would be crazy not to."

Emily was surprised at the bruising grip Jenny had on her arm. "You think so?"

"ABSOLUTELY!" Jenny finally let go.

Emily rubbed her arm. "I'll think about it."

They parted to head in different directions across campus.

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