- Tuesday, June 7th - Time to Transfer

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You didn't text me yesterday. AGAIN.

Emily silently read the words as she stood waiting to transfer buses on the way to school. Her stomach dropped.

Is that sensation from guilt or anticipation? What should I write back?

She squinted at her phone.

"Evan?" Jenny asked when she saw Emily's face.

"Kelly," she answered as she typed back.

Sorry. I was busy yesterday with my Pop and homework.

She watched the ellipses while Jenny peeked over her shoulder to read the exchange. Jenny read the next text aloud.

I'm noticing a pattern.

Jenny sucked in a breath. "Yikes. Do you think he's upset?"

But Emily was already typing back.

What's that?

Then she looked up from the phone at Jenny. "I don't know. He's not as forthright as Evan. It's harder to determine what he thinks because we don't talk as much. Which has its pros and cons."

Jenny wiggles her eyebrows and shoved Emily's shoulder. "I bet it does."

Kelly's next message popped up.

Out of sight, out of mind I guess.

Emily showed it to Jenny and bit at her thumbnail. "I don't know what to say to that."

"Is it true?" Jenny asked.

Emily shrugged.

The bus pulled up and the girls clambered on with the rest of the commuting students. Emily typed.

You're always the one telling me I think too much!

She sent it and looked to Jenny again, turning the phone so she could read it.

"That was a clever response," Jenny complimented.

Emily read Kelly's next response aloud to Jenny.

Well I plan on getting back into your sight and your mind soon.

The bus stopped short and they tumbled against each other. Emily hugged the pole to free her hands and typed back.

Really?! What do you have in mind?

The bus halted at the red light before their stop. Someone pushed the stop request button and it rang out as his next text came through.


Emily's stomach flipped again.

This time I know it's from excitement...

Jenny looked at the phone, then at her. "Oh... he's good Em. That gave me butterflies."

Emily's ears burned and her cheeks actually hurt from smiling.

The brakes squealed as the bus stopped. Jenny pushed the yellow strip on the back door and they climbed down onto the sidewalk. Emily stood there for a minute chewing her lip while she typed.

You must lead a very boring life if the only thing you have to think about is me.

Jenny and Emily followed the line of girls up the block toward campus. They stopped by the back gate to wait for the next text. Emily read it aloud.

It's not the only thing I have to think about. But it's the best thing I have to think about!

She felt the heat spread from her ears onto her neck and hurried to respond.

That's very sweet Kelly. I'm at school now, so I have to turn off my phone before I get in trouble. I'll definitely be thinking of you today. 

Then she turned off her phone and skipped through the gate.

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