Minutes Later

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When the side gate squeaked open, Evan stood fiddling with the collar of his well-worn chambray.

Is he nervous again too?

Emily watched him roll up his cuffs. His wrinkled khakis and tousled hair added to the appearance that he had just rolled out of bed.

The mental-picture made Emily think about wrapping herself around him to take him back there. Her ears felt warm.

St. Augustine would be horrified with me...

Evan asked, "Want to take a walk?"

Since Emily didn't want to continue writing her term paper she agreed.

"I want to show you something," he explained. 

They went to a spot beside his house where the cul-de-sac abutted a huge piece of undeveloped common land that was protected for wildlife. There was a small dirt path through the bushes and trees.

Emily laughed nervously when she saw it. "You do realize I'm from Brooklyn right?"

"I promise I am not going to let you get lost or hurt in the woods." Evan crossed his heart.

When Emily's feet didn't budge, he put his palm on her back and urged her forward a little bit.

He lowered his voice and raised one eyebrow as he asked, "Trust me?"

He held out his hand. Emily took it and they started on the trail.

They walked in silence through the shade of the trees. Evan pushed some bushes and branches out of the way, but the vegetation wasn't too thick as to obscure the trail completely.

I think I could find my way back home by myself if I need to...

They only walked for a few minutes before the path opened onto a beautiful little river. The current moved lazily. Tiny fish swam in an eddy and some turtles floating in the water.

They sat down together on the bank.

"This is really pretty Evan. Thank you for showing me." Emily squeezed his arm.

Evan nodded.  "If you happen to be here at sunset it's even more beautiful. I like to come here when I'm stressed out because it's really peaceful. You looked tense before your little dance so I thought I would share my secret spot with you."

Emily eyed him suspiciously. "First, how long were you watching me for and second, what do you get stressed out over?"

He picked through the pebbles on the ground beside him. "Not long enough and a lot."

"Well then. First... stalker much?" Emily chuckled.

Then more seriously she added "Second... Me too."

Evan continued to stare at the stones in the dirt. He palmed a smooth skipping stone and stood to launch it across the river.

It flew perfectly and hopped multiple times across the water, making countless ripples in its wake. This reminded Emily of one of the few things she knew about him.

"So I hear you can throw more than rocks. Baseball pitcher? Right?"

Evan nodded and sat back down next to her. "Yeah. I don't think I'm anywhere near good enough for the majors or anything like that. But hopefully I can get a scholarship to a good division one school like Stanford or Duke."

"That's great Evan. It must be exciting to have a talent like that."

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at her. "So what do you get stressed out over? From what I hear you're pretty damn close to perfect. Skipping a grade, private school, great grades, drama club," he listed.

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