The State of Things

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The newest problem was immediately apparent as they pulled into the cul-de-sac. None of the cars were in front of the house. When Emily rang the bell the dogs didn't even bark, confirming her fear.

"Nobody's home." She turned back to Evan.

He stood there holding her two bags and frowned. "You don't have a key?"

"Do you not understand my screwed up family dynamic yet? I probably should have called or texted first."

Emily's eyes burned as the tears started to form. She took a deep breath to swallow them down with, and pulled her phone out to text her father. Her lip quivered and she knew Evan was watching her intently.

Finally, he snapped. "That's bullshit! You shouldn't have to text or call first and they should have given you a key!"

He turned and stormed down the front path. At the edge of the front lawn he stopped and turned. "Well come on! My mom will be thrilled that we brought her bagels."

Evan held the door open for Emily and put her bags down in his front hallway.

Kate's voice came from the kitchen. "Evan? How was Emily? Did she like the ukulele?"

He guided Emily into the kitchen as he answered his mother. "You can ask her yourself."

Evan stood behind Emily with his hands resting on her shoulders. Emily peeked up to look into his face and was graced with a charming smile.

Kate turned from the sink and wiped her hands on a dishcloth. "Oh my goodness Evan! How on Earth did you steal her away from her mother on her birthday?"

Please don't answer that...

Her stomach seized uncomfortably at the thought of her mother. She pictured Maggie crying and kneeling on the floor surrounded by broken mug and smeared blood.

To distract from the question, Emily thrust the brown paper bag she held, out toward Kate, who asked, "And what's this? A present for me on your birthday?"

Emily felt her ears turn red at Kate's vivacious attention. "It's just a dozen bagels."

Kate laughed and turned to Evan's father who stood beside the kitchen island. "Did you hear that Dennis? Just a dozen bagels. This young lady has no idea how much I love my Brooklyn carbs!"

Evan's father was as tall as his son, but leaner. Mr. Murphy's thinning blonde hair was made lighter by the white strands that mixed through it. He pointed at his wife. "If you really want this one to be your friend for life, bring her pizza next time."

He winked and stepped over to extend his hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you Emily." Taking Emily's hand in both of his, he gave her a warm handshake.

"Nice to meet you too."

Then Dennis looked over Emily's head at his son. "I hate to be the buzzkill, but don't forget you promised to cut the grass for me today. It's already after twelve and you have a game later, so you had better get on it."

Evan opened the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water. "I'll take care of it right now."

They went back out to the porch and Emily settled into the white rocking chair there. She gently rocked and watched as Evan pushed the mower out of the garage.

He stripped off his shirt and tucked it into the back of his shorts so it dangled down like a tail. Pulling the starter, he woke the mower with a sputter and a growl. Emily sipped her water while Evan went up and down the yard, making even stripes across the shamrock colored lawn. She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh scent of cut grass mixed with pungent gasoline.

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