| Chapter XLII |

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“I did this for Charlie, to get her back.”

When Alex says this we all stop to look at him. Hayden with confusion, Daniel with a mixture of hurt and shock, while I look mortified. Alex isn’t making this easier for any of us. Clearly, that hadn’t been the right thing to say.

Isn’t it ironic, standing in this situation with all my ex-boyfriends and Hayden, most probably my next one?

The four of us are facing each other in the parking lot, it's empty and the others are still inside the hospital probably waiting for us, although I'm pretty sure this isn’t going to end soon - or smoothly for that matter.

“What do you have to say to that?” Hayden asks me and I don’t like the way he says it like I should feel guilty or something.

“Hayden, I don’t even like Alex like that. He’s my friend—”

“What kind of friend dresses up as a girl just to win his girlfriend back and what kind of person is okay with that?” He says harshly.

“Listen, Hayden, stop acting like you’re the victim in this.” Alex puts a hand in front of me so Hayden doesn’t reach me, the action annoys me but I’m too confused on what he means exactly by that, and so is Hayden.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Hayden asks.

“You and Daniel are liars. You’ll never care about Charlie like I do and I don’t want to see her get hurt again.” Alex says with a serious look on his face. Daniel is still quiet even after he brings his name into this and I almost wonder what's going on his head.

I reach out for Alex. “Alex, I can handle this.”

Hayden snickers at this and I’m surprised at how childish he’s being. “Daniel and I are liars? You’re the only liar here. You’ve played my friend along this entire time, you played everyone but you obviously don’t care. This whole time, you have not once, apologized to Daniel.” When Hayden says this, Alex stiffens looking over to Daniel.

For a moment Alex looks almost regretful until a wicked expression replaces it.

“Why would I apologize to Daniel? He broke Charlie’s heart, he stole her away from me and he used her and moved on so easily. It’s not my fault he can’t keep it in his pants.” Alex shrugs at the end and I gasp when Hayden pounces at him.

Daniel holds his best friend back, telling him it’s okay, but I know he’s hurt by Alex’s words although he doesn’t try to defend himself by saying anything.

“He actually cared about you, you twisted son of a bitch!” Hayden snarls and I’ve never seen him look so angry. When Daniel tries to keep him in place, Hayden pushes him off, his eyes meeting mine. I just remain silent.

“Don’t you have anything to say to me?”


“She has nothing to say to you.” Alex finishes.

“Can you stop speaking for her!?” Hayden shouts, voicing my thoughts exactly.

“Alex, please I need to explain, you’ve made this into a bigger mess than it had to be.” I sigh and Alex shakes his head, not letting me have it.

“You don’t understand Charlie, Hayden isn’t who you think he is. He knew Daniel was using you from the beginning and he didn’t even stop to tell you.” When Alex says this everything seems to go deadly still.

Daniel lets go of Hayden who looks completely guilty and my heart plummets. Is this what Alex meant by needing to tell me something?

“What?” I mumble, breathlessly. As if I have just run a marathon. But I heard him clearly.

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