| Chapter XXVI |

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We walk right out of campus, passed the school dorm buildings and out of the university completely. It isn't that far since we left from building A which is nearest to the entrance.

"Why not just take the car?" I ask, following after Hayden.

"It's not far from here," Hayden turns back to tell me, reaching for my hand again. His large hand wraps around mine but I don't feel electric shocks, butterflies or all of that crap. I just feel warm.

When his hand clasped around mine, it made me feel so warm. Which was a big contradiction to Hayden's cold dark eyes.

The city is so busy and pretty at night with the cars zipping passed us and the flashing lights. We cross the road, walking further until we reach a closed area of construction with a sign reading not to trespass.

"Um, Hayden..." I say wearily.

"Don't worry, we won't get caught." He assures me. He lifts up the secret opening beside the bushes found on the fence so I can enter, him following after me before letting it sling back closed. Taking my hand once again, he leads me further into the construction zone. There are trucks, bulldozers, and other large vehicles around the place and a half-finished building standing tall in the center of it all.

"What're they building?" I can't but ask, my eyes roaming the area.

"A hotel I think," Hayden says through a shrug and there's something about the way he says it as if there's something more to it.

He leads me into the semi-finished building, up the flight of stairs before we reach the roof, higher than all the other buildings surrounding us with the beautiful view of the city. Stars are scattered in the night sky, cars zipping below us, and the lights on the buildings lit up the whole city.

I finally control my heavy breathing after the flight of stairs when I follow him towards the ledge on the roof. "It's so pretty," I breathe and Hayden just smiles at me. "How'd you know about this place?"

"Just stumbled across it," he shrugs I don't get a chance to ask him about it any further when he speaks next. "I've never brought anyone up here with me before." He whispers and I can't help but wonder if he's always spending his time here.

"I've always dreamed of working at a hotel," I admit. I never told anyone about this, not even Alex, so I'm afraid to hear what he will say for some reason.

"That's awesome," Hayden says and he looks like he genuinely means it before his smile drops and it shocks me a little by how fast his expression changes. "Reminds me of my father."

"Isn't your father like super rich, he could literally buy all the hotels in the world if he wanted to." I laugh and Hayden cracks a smile.

"He's rich but he became rich doing something he doesn't love, I don't want to end up like that," Hayden tells me, a grim line formed on his lips and I can just tell his father is a touchy subject for him.

Hayden leans back against the railing, staring off into the distance. "You don't want to take over the business?" I ask, looking over to his side-profile. He doesn't look real as the moonlight casts a shadow across his face, his dark long lashes and eyes somewhat gleaming.

And then he turns to look at me, finding I'm already looking. I try to stop the blush but I'm sure it's pretty obvious. "I don't know what I want to do..." He says looking away.

He's always behind closed doors, keeping things away from me and I hate it. Why is it easy for him to talk about me but so hard for him to open up about him? Hayden's probably the only one to ever listen to me and I want to do the same for him.

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