| Chapter XXIX |

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The trailer above made by me^ share your thoughts?

I didn't know a song that would fit so feel free to give me some song suggestions

Let me just point out that you can imagine Hayden however you want. I didn't want to give him a cast but for the trailer, I just picked someone random, lol. And Alex is a brunet but when he turns to Alexandra he goes blonde if you remember :)


Jack peaks his head from behind the curtains, his eyes searching the crowd until they fall on me. I wink.

He smiles before disappearing behind the red curtains once again. We are all in the theatre room, freshmen from all clubs, to watch the play formed by the Drama Club. No one knows what the play is about but we are all pretty excited.

Most of us are here for a good laugh, out of boredom or just to be there for our friends participating in the play. I'm here mostly because of the last reason but also because I'm curious on the part Alex will be playing on stage.

On either side of me sit Hunter and Clark but Hayden's nowhere to be seen. Maybe he's busy. Busy doing what? He didn't mention...

Jack steps onto the stage, introducing himself and thanking everyone for coming before the lights go out, you can hear a few giggles in the crowd at the suspense. A single beam of light hits the stage and there's Alex standing alone.

He's wearing a bright red dress and matching the lipstick and the crowd wolf-whistled, making him wink.

What the hell?

Everyone laughs but you can see Jack face-palming backstage in the corner at Alex who's waving at the crowd.

Another light hits the stage and there's Mary, wearing a blue dress and blue ribbon that ties her hair back. She doesn't get the same reaction from the shallow crowd. Even if Mary did me wrong, I would never sit by and let these perverts treat her like she was less than anyone so I clap as loud as I can along with Clark.

The play continues about a gay girl falling in love with a straight girl. Everyone seems to dislike the gay girl, but luckily her father supported her, which is played by Jack himself. Both girls were close friends but the other hid her feelings.

Beside me, I can feel Hunter anxiously shift in his seat.

I turn to him with a worried look on my face. "Are you okay?" He just nods and I focus back onto the play.

Of course, Alex plays as a gay girl. He isn't really a girl so the part is easy and probably fun for him. That idiot. Mary looks passionate about her part though; she's acting really well and captivates all of us by her emotions.

"Why are you acting like this? Why do you care so much?" Mary asks, with so much emotion might I add.

"Because," Alex starts. The theatre room goes deadly silent, waiting for what she - or he - is to say next. "Because I love you." And Alex slams his lips against Mary's, making the crowd go wild. The boys especially.

Clark is shocked, to say the least, but in a good way as she claps and cheers with the rest.
I, on the other hand, sit there horrified. Alex is a guy under all that and he knows no one will know that but me, so this whole thing makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

Since Mary reminds me a lot like the old me in high school, I can't help but feel bothered by the kiss.

But the surprises didn't end there.

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