| Chapter XXXVI |

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We left the hospital later that day, promising to come back soon. Mr. Holt's condition kept him in his hospital room, it was easier for them to check on him if anything went wrong.

The rest of the week kind of went by in a flash.

We visited the hospital pretty often and sometimes we'd just hang out in his father's construction sight, staring at the view of the city.

Clark got really high grades on her exam so she called for another celebration at the skating ring, although I was pretty sure it was just because she and Jack met some cute guys the first time.

It seemed that as the days past, Hunter and Jack got even more distant to the point where being around the two just made things pretty awkward.

Alex has been around less, he told me it's because Daniel's becoming a bigger problem than he thought, and that if he had to deal with him one more time he would strangle him. I honestly thought Daniel would give up by now.

He really does like a challenge.

Clark told everyone about my secret date and they've been pestering me to tell them who the mystery guy was. Even though I promised Hayden I would do it after dinner with his family, so much has happened and I'm hoping he has forgotten about it.

We've been having so much fun together, I have a feeling it's better this way.

"Clark," I say in a hushed whisper, dragging her off into the side at the skating rink. "You told everyone about my date?"

"Well, yeah, what's the big deal? It's okay if you have weird taste, we'll like him." She assures with a wink and I roll my eyes.

"No, it's not that," I say quickly, shaking my head. "Does Alex know?"

Clark frowns. "Well I told Jack and then I told Hunter because they like barely talk and I knew he wouldn't pass it on, but that's it... I think." I sigh. "Oh yeah! I told Daniel because he's a douche and he should know you moved on."
Clark flashes me a large smile.

I know she doesn't know I didn't want to tell anyone so I can't just blame her, her intentions are pure. "Did you not want me to tell them?" She asks, noticing the reaction on my face.

"No, No. It's fine." I assure her but it doesn't sound very convincing. "You go back and have fun; I don't want to keep you waiting." With a shove, Clark is skating back to Jack and their friends.

Daniel must have told her-I mean him, intentionally or not, the love-struck idiot probably can't keep anything from his dear Alex. I have to talk to Alex soon; I have to end this, whatever it is, now. He has to know I don't love him anymore.

Although, I don't think I've ever loved him.

I thought I did, but I didn't.

And I'm tired of leading him on, even if I have to do it the hard way, I have to end this once and for all and maybe then I'll have more freedom, without someone from my past dragging me down.

Alex needs to understand that running after me forever isn't healthy and that he can find someone too. Someone who might make him happier than I've ever made him.


Hayden doesn't come to the lecture so I sit alone in the back, the empty seat that belonged to him bothering me as the room fills with empty faces. I only now realize I don't really know the rest of my colleagues.

I recognize them but forgot most of their names.

First I was the new girl, so I didn't really have any friends, then I became friends with Hayden and no one really approached me since then. I remember when they would try to; Hayden's awkwardness usually made those situations uncomfortable.

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