| Chapter XIV |

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When I exit the bathroom, I walk back into the receptionist room to find Daniel engrossed in a conversation with Alex. He seems to be very interested but Alex, on the other hand, looks completely bored, like he wants to get out of there but when he sees me, I almost don't catch the subtle smirk he throws my way.

"Charlie!" Alex waves over, his-her voice sounding extremely cringy. He was trying way too hard. Was I the only one noticing that? Alex turns to Daniel with an embarrassed face.

I notice Alex isn't wearing revealing clothes, seeing that he isn't a girl, I was sure he didn't have many choices when it came to his outfits. He had a long-sleeved shirt on with a long skirt and his fake butt and boobs were probably the only thing everyone was focused on.

Let's not forget, his face; I always thought Alex was so handsome he was almost pretty.

"I walked in on Charlie using the number 2 in the bathroom; let's just say I almost didn't make it out alive," Alex whispers to Daniel loud enough for me to hear and I gasp.

That little-

Daniel turns to me with a look of concern and a hint of repulsion but I could tell he was trying to be as polite as possible. "It must've been something you ate, are you feeling alright?" He asks, checking my forehead for my temperature.

"Better now," I reply forcefully as I glare at Alex and he fakes a gagging sound, causing the both of us to turn to him, I mean her...? Gosh this was so confusing! Daniel shrugs off the sound but I know better.

"What were you guy's talking about when I was gone?" I ask, completely curious.

"I was telling her how we're staying at my beach house for the vacation," Daniel explains to me with a hopeful look.

"We are?" I ask, completely confused because this was the first time I've heard this.

"Yeah I was planning to ask you but I was hoping you'd say yes?" Daniel raises his eyebrows hesitantly and for some reason, I really want to say yes eagerly but it was like there was something holding me back.

When I turn back to Alex, he looks angry and I know he's practically shouting at me to say 'no' in his head.

"Of course!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around Daniel as he chuckles, his arms encircling around my waist as well.

"Perfect," he tells me and I know he's smirking even though I'm not looking at him. "I invited Alex; she says she has a friend she also wants to bring. The more the merrier, right?"

The world stops spinning.


I turn back to Alex slowly to find him smiling sweetly my way, I know behind all that he was planning something, I know he probably already planned how he'll ruin me from the moment we get to the beach house.

Before I can say anything, Rebecca emerges from behind the counters, finally retrieving our schedules. She hands it to us and I'm the only one who thanks her while Daniel starts another conversation with Alex about where the beach house was and how'll beautiful the beach is.

I'm too frustrated to say or do anything.

I just sulk as I walk behind them.

Everything was going so great until Alex came here dressing like a girl and started ruining everything! No one was even acknowledging me in the back, they were all whispering about Alex and how he might be Daniel's new love interest whilst in the back I feel invisible.

Once again, I'm invisible.

It sucks being known for your looks, because when someone prettier comes along, you're easily disgarded.

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